Manning the post at the station.

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May 28, 2012, 11:54:31 AM5/28/12
Manning the post at the station

Recently had a conversation with someone about the imagery of jesus being called Christ,
for all of you who are into all this capitalization stuff should enjoy this, if you look in any
1611 KJV you will find the name jesus in lower case, being born free and then later receiving
a called name Christ, upper and lower case meaning a subjugation to a higher authority.
You could probably also put this to the test with god the sovereign versus the God
within us, after all Man is made in the image of god, correct? 

Here is another symbolic view as to why King James had put the name Christ in upper
lower case, for one Christ came from cross , crucifixion ( cross-in-fiction ) and see how 
the Romans manned a post at a station:

The Christian Crusaders were a militarized unit and a avid researcher once told me
that the whole bible was symbolism and to understand what Revelations was saying
you have to find out each meaning of the words are from the rest of the bible first.
Manning a post at a station was a act/event that took place much like our birth,
death and marriage events, the name Christ was a personification.

Ever look at a grave stone, they have the dates for birth and death with a dash
in the middle, that dash is you in the flesh, your photon, nothing but a flashing image yourself,
made in the [image] of god, then given a called name, then finding out an infant
is also just a personification that has not yet received a SSN.

The description below the birth and death dates on the grave stone are just that,
the life of your flesh body is a script that you write, then when the body expires
it is [de] - scripted. What you make of it from this point on is up to you how
you will be remembered and the stories that get passed on.

"Gold is the currency of kings; silver is the currency of gentlemen; barter is the currency of peasants, debt (fiat) is the currency of slaves; Titles are the currency of persons and forgiveness is the currency of man, if love is the substance, we would have no need for any other currency for love is abundant "

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