From skype group update just from today May 20th 2012

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May 20, 2012, 4:38:00 PM5/20/12
[00:43:58 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": 8-)
[00:44:06 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": \o/ (music)
[01:23:52 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": gift
[01:39:10 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": Where the donor and the donee reside in the same house, it ordinarily is not required that the gift be removed from the house to establish a delivery. If the donee has possession of the property at the time that the donor also gives the person ownership, there is no need to pass the property back and forth in order to make a legal delivery.
[01:39:57 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": Proof that the donor relinquished all claim to the gift and recognized the donee's right to exercise control over it is generally adequate to indicate that a gift was made.
[01:46:11 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": Donative intent to make a gift is essentially determined by the donor's words, but the courts also consider the surrounding circumstances, the relationship of the parties, the size of the gift in relation to the amount of the donor's property as a whole, and the behavior of the donor toward the property subsequent to the purported gift. (rofl)
[02:01:44 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": Inter vivos is Latin for "between the living" or "from one living person to another." A gift inter vivos is one that is perfected and takes effect during the lifetime of the donor and donee and that is irrevocable when made. It is a voluntary transfer of property, at no cost to the donee, during the normal course of the donor's life.
[02:03:30 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": Whether the value given is a money price, a percentage interest or an equivalent item of property, or a promise to repay, the element of exchange makes such transfers something other than a gift.
[02:59:10 EDT] jeagas68: Sec. 152. Concealment of assets; [ false oaths and claims ]; bribery
[03:28:33 EDT] jeagas68: Federal rules of Bankruptcy;                                                                            Rule 9003. Prohibition of Ex Parte Contacts                                               (b) United States trustee.  Except as otherwise permitted by applicable law, the United States trustee and assistants to and employees or agents of the United States trustee shall refrain from ex parte meetings and communications with the court concerning matters affecting a particular case or proceeding. This rule does not preclude communications with the court to discuss general problems of administration and improvement of bankruptcy administration, including the operation of the United States trustee system.                                                                          
[04:05:36 EDT] jeagas68: Paul calls himself a debtor, find out why in Romans 1 ;                 
[04:22:13 EDT] jeagas68: Law of contracts;                                                                                                  Sec. 523. Consideration Distinguished From Condition Of Gift

[05:02:02 EDT] Man: [3:05:34 AM] jeagas68: Paul calls himself a debtor, find out why in Romans 1 ;        

[05:09:26 EDT] Man: the BC is a bond. We give all our energy through the BC name. So does that make us bondservants to the Governments through their BC name?
[11:57:34 EDT] jeagas68: No, because government made an oath to almighty God, but also God set his seal upon us and chose us even though some have not chosen him, so this makes us debtors if we accept the promise. We are both debtor and creditor though as this distinction is made in 2 Collosians 2.
[11:58:41 EDT] jeagas68: The man in us is debtor, but the spirit in us is creditor. When the 2 are brought together the light is revealed, we are the solution we been looking for.
[12:02:17 EDT] jeagas68: colossians 2:5  "  For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ. "
[12:03:20 EDT] jeagas68: << reg KJV, becomes more clear in 1611 version if you know how to read old english language.
[12:10:19 EDT] Nightwing: man is but a conduit and thu the promise man is "secured", but man is neither creditor nor debtor because neither of those are creations of nature.

The BC represents "title" to "compenation" had "compensation been an act of nature" ... a "symbolic usufruct" unto which the "works of man" can be rendered unto "god" (The State) in order man be freed from the constratins of "deadly sin and vice" in order to exhault the "heavenly virtues".

If man is a debtor, he is debtor unto himself and his neighbors for he hath not fulfilleth the law. Man can never be a "creditor" for it would imply man is the source, which is not possible for he stems from the source and is but a part of such.

"Stand fast therefore in the libertie wherewith Christ hath made vs free, and bee not intangled againe with the yoke of bondage. Beholde, I Paul say vnto you that if ye be circumcised, Christ shal profite you nothing. For I testifie againe to euery man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to doe the whole Law. Christ is become of no effect vnto you, whosoeuer of you are iustified by the Law: ye are fallen from grace. For we through the spirit waite for the hope of righteousnesse by faith. For in Iesus Christ, neither circumcision auaileth any thing, nor vncircumcision, but faith which worketh by loue."

"I haue confidence in you through the Lord, that you will be none otherwise minded; but he that troubleth you, shall beare his iudgement, whosoeuer hee be."

If "Christ" is the BC/LEGAL NAME, what is "circumcision?" UCC (uniform circumcision code)?
[12:16:18 EDT] jeagas68: 1611 version Coll 2:5 " For though I bee absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, ioying and beholding your order, and the stedfastnesse of your faith in Christ.  "
[12:18:22 EDT] jeagas68: song of solomon 8:6  " Set mee as a seale vpon thine heart, as a seale vpon thine arme: for loue is strong as death, iealousie is cruel as the graue: the coales thereof are coales of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. "
[12:21:13 EDT] jeagas68: Circumcision was under the old law, but we are free from the old law.
[12:21:43 EDT] jeagas68: > [Sunday, 20 May 2012 12:16:15 EDT … --- …] For in Iesus Christ, neither circumcision auaileth any thing, nor vncircumcision, but faith which worketh by loue."
[12:22:37 EDT] jeagas68: commited by faith, not circumcision. Remember I said God chose us even if we did not choose him.
[12:23:14 EDT] … --- …: --- …: "For I testifie againe to euery man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to doe the whole Law. Christ is become of no effect vnto you, whosoeuer of you are iustified by the Law: ye are fallen from grace."

"A little leauen leaueneth the whole lumpe."
[12:23:53 EDT] Nightwing: "circumcised" = "separated"
[12:24:51 EDT] jeagas68: Yeah man, if you justify yourself by man's statutes then you christ is of no effect, but if you justify yourself by God's law then it has effect and you are free from the statutes
[12:25:04 EDT] … --- …: --- …: circumcise cock? or circumcise heart
[12:25:21 EDT] dadoo: it's not about your willy not about flesh
[12:25:39 EDT] jeagas68: circumcision of heart, your own discernment/determination.
[12:27:06 EDT] jeagas68: again, Song of solomon 8:6 " Set mee as a seale vpon thine heart "
[12:28:45 EDT] jeagas68: John 1:1 " In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God, and the Word was God. "   < -- they will know you by the words you speak.
[12:32:53 EDT] … --- …: --- …: the words? or actions of the words
[12:33:23 EDT] jeagas68: Romans 1:13 " Now I would not haue you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come vnto you, (but was let hitherto) that I might haue some [ fruit ] among you also, euen as among other Gentiles. "  <<--  Usufruct , God is the spoilated owner.
[12:35:50 EDT] jeagas68: > [Sunday, 20 May 2012 12:32:53 EDT … --- …] the words? or actions of the words

>  ARe you the type that has the philosophy that children are to be seen and not heard ?
[12:37:46 EDT] … --- …: --- …: is that what you get from "actions of the words?" do spoken words depict action?
[12:38:38 EDT] jeagas68: > [Sunday, 20 May 2012 12:28:45 EDT jeagas68] John 1:1 " In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God, and the Word was God. "  <  it's all one. Ego separates man from eachother.
[12:39:12 EDT] Sally Lok: since I didn't make it to church, I will consider this my bible study time...
[12:39:24 EDT] jeagas68: (y)
[12:39:31 EDT] Sally Lok: :-)
[12:40:46 EDT] … --- …: --- …: (nod)
[12:42:48 EDT] jeagas68: I went to church and I say blurbs about this stuff here an there, one guy who use to be a sunday school teacher I can see steam coming out of his ears because he is so indoctrinated with the external trinity and the current teacher agrees somewhat but stifles the directon of conversation by going a different direction.  It is a hoot, because i see some light bulbs going on, 1 or 2 people have whispered to me that they agree.  (y)
[12:45:31 EDT] Sally Lok: I don't talk about what we do here because they don't get it....Most think I have lost my mine....
[12:47:24 EDT] Sally Lok: I was awaken about 3 years ago when I fell behind on the mtg...
[12:47:37 EDT] Sally Lok: Now +
[12:48:42 EDT] jeagas68: I take it a little ways but then I back off and give them time to think about it, each time I am there I mention a little bit.  It became very apparent that this path was going to be kept covered up when I asked the treasurer of the church why a secular corporation was doing the auditing for a house of god, you could hear the roaches scattering.
[12:50:23 EDT] Sally Lok: now here I am!  Learning, slow learner that is.  "Seek ye shall find"
[12:51:09 EDT] jeagas68: welcome to the group! (sun) you will get a full monte on the educational level here.
[12:51:20 EDT] Sally Lok: I love this group...everyone is so awesome!
[12:51:39 EDT] Sally Lok: :-)
[12:54:57 EDT] … --- …: --- …: u reapin' what u sowin'?  (clap)
[12:55:21 EDT] jeagas68: Some have talent with function and some have talent with form and a few entertaining ones that may have had a scotch or 2 it seems, but even they have something to offer, depending on what ale's them.... Vision Quest.  ;-)
[13:08:12 EDT] jeagas68: On UCC1 / Debtor 1 is the BC name and the principal address, type of oganization is Cesti Que, jurisdiction is private in gods covenant; see Elizabeth the 2nd signed Coronation ;  -*W8xcH2nnSL7YcOdCzd8p8rkS5G7izdvFy-hetc*HGzueCpJuZERczDqi4iNEZXoTHijK3/signedoath.jpg
[13:09:46 EDT] jeagas68: < what i put anyway. May not be your interpretation though.
[13:13:08 EDT] jeagas68: UCC1 / Debtor 2 is the SSA , address is HQ in the states, Org type SSA, Jurisdiction = reconveyed, due to in their statutes showing trust structures with other nations, more specifically the UK royal treasury.
[13:19:14 EDT] jeagas68: UCC1 /  Org name is " one World under the one MOST: HIGH GOD, Secured party the christ jesus, address (EXEMPT, OR YOU COULD PUT kingdom of God), city is near : raleigh, state is north carolina : near, postal code [*****] : near. put the PC where stars are at.
[13:21:42 EDT] jeagas68: Acknowledgment after recording is being mailed directly to the U.S Secretary of State. Once i can look on line and see that it is recorded then I will make a copy and send it to Florida secretary of state where the BC came from.
[13:24:52 EDT] jeagas68: Description:  It is up to you how you interpret it, I started it out with " Nun pro tunc, ab initio " = To correct a mistake from the beginning.
[13:25:17 EDT] jeagas68: > [Sunday, 20 May 2012 12:38:38 EDT jeagas68] John 1:1 " In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God, and the Word was God. "
[13:27:06 EDT] jeagas68: added Gen. 1-26 to 30, noted the 1611 KJV copyright by the british library among other things.
[13:28:09 EDT] jeagas68: Check boxes, checked off [bailor/bailee] and [ Debtors All ].
[13:31:53 EDT] jeagas68: Addendum; juris was again one world under the MOST : HIGH GOD , then for attachments thereto put all of the IRS form numbers and names from both creditor and debtors side 1041s, 1099s, 1040s, 941s.
[13:34:38 EDT] jeagas68: And that is about it, wrapped it up in robin-egg blue paper and put in a security envelope, sent it off with 2c stamp using taxe purcue language mentioned before. Sent it to Washington State, one of the International locations for UCC.
[13:38:13 EDT] Nightwing: If everything is admiralty and isnurance, then would the BC/ColB/Cert of Naturalization merely be representative of indemnificaiton for the one bringing the claim to indemnify them from loss (via forgiveness of the loss) for the act of god (the man)?
[13:38:24 EDT] Nightwing: and if so, is the UCC really necessary?
[13:38:40 EDT] Nightwing: if the "policy" is aleready in place?
[13:45:51 EDT] jeagas68: Nap time !  :-)
[14:28:09 EDT] Man: I don't see where the UCC is necessary. It is a part of governments system and I believe man who is not a party to it should meddle in anything that is within that system. The only link between man and the system is the BC and I believe man should stay within the real world without crossing into the artificial world of the system.
[14:29:14 EDT] Nightwing: and this is what the BC "represents" .... "insurance" for the "act of god" to "indemnify" the "claimant" against a "loss" from the "act of god"
[14:33:12 EDT] Man: And the SS number is a rider insurance policy for when the BC becomes disabled where man is not providing it with his energy/labor. LOL
[16:12:23 EDT] jeagas68: From what we have studied so far from 2009 to now, the state is the equity title holder, the federal is the legal title holder and the SSA i.e. welfare is the insurance/assurance policy.
[16:14:44 EDT] * jeagas68 sent file "senate_resolution#62_See pg13.pdf"
[16:15:07 EDT] jeagas68: < - page 13, the state equity holder.
[16:16:10 EDT] * jeagas68 sent file "Mortgaged to the National Debt_See pg2.pdf"
[16:16:36 EDT] jeagas68: < - page 2 federal legal title holder
[16:19:17 EDT] jeagas68: and as mentioned earlier, the SSA statutes carry the evidence to the trust setup, with the royal treasury. The queen has spoken about welfare of the state many times as well as the federal commander and chief in the states.
[16:21:02 EDT] jeagas68: The coronation is the linkage between the alleged christ jesus on the earth. ( vicar of christ ) , the assurance.
[16:25:31 EDT] jeagas68: 1 Thessalonians 1:3  to 6.
[16:28:27 EDT] jeagas68: on second thought start out with verse 2 :                                              " 2 We giue thankes to God alwaies for you all, making mention of you in our prayers, 3 Remembring without ceasing your worke of faith, and labour of loue, and patience of hope in our Lord Iesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father: 4 Knowing, brethren beloued, your election of God. 5 For our Gospel came not vnto you in word onely: but also in power, and in the holy Ghost, and in much assurance, as yee know what maner of men we were among you for your sake.
6 And yee became followers of vs, and of the Lord, hauing receiued the word in much affliction, with ioy of the holy Ghost"
[16:31:51 EDT] jeagas68: The pope is just a man with a spirit inside just as we are. He has no more power over our mind then what we have manifested on our own.

"Gold is the currency of kings; silver is the currency of gentlemen; barter is the currency of peasants, debt (fiat) is the currency of slaves; Titles are the currency of persons and forgiveness is the currency of man, if love is the substance, we would have no need for any other currency for love is abundant "


May 20, 2012, 6:03:38 PM5/20/12
adding on to the conversation below this one:

So how can I a living man being a non-member, non-party to government and not one that is being IN the Government of the United States, possibly be in any position to PAY with anything when there is no currency or legal tender within the "private sector"?
[17:06:32 EDT] jeagas68: Instead of trying to philosophize this for you, check this out as for example  -->>  26 USC § 721 - NONRECOGNITION OF GAIN OR LOSS ON CONTRIBUTION                                                                                                    " (a) General rule
No gain or loss shall be recognized to a partnership or to any of its partners in the case of a contribution of property to the partnership in exchange for an interest in the partnership. "
[17:09:28 EDT] jeagas68: As long as your not trying to receive any benefits from the gift such as currency in your pocket, no harm, no foul.
[17:09:41 EDT] jeagas68: You are just there to help.
[17:10:48 EDT] dadoo: how can there be any harm done to the fiction world, from the real world of man, and vis/versa? Is there, truly any harm done, or is that just part of the smoke and mirror game?
[17:12:56 EDT] jeagas68: " whoever denies it provided it "  - fart joke
[17:25:08 EDT] jeagas68: < - the man interviewed says " I confess my sins for their wrong doings ".
[17:36:50 EDT] jeagas68: my wife and i pulled into a compact car parking area in a strip mall to get a couple smoothies, wife waited in the car initially but when she went to get out a lady was pulling into the spot next to us, did not stop just side swiped the door, she was in a full size van. Wife came in upset because this lady had jumped all over her as if it was her fault, after getting the smoothie I came out and put it down on the hood of the vehicle we use, paused for a minute and looked at her van and simply asked " Did you know this section was for compact cars only?"  She said, NO, there was no sign, I looked at the curb and noticed the paint had been worn off over the years that we have been coming there so that is what I said then had her look down at the tires on both sides of her van over the white lines. I did not say anything and waited for a light bulb to come on, she then admitted to pulling in too fast and did not realize how small the parking spots were. I then asked her if she was ok, and she said yes and that the paint could just be buffed out and all I said was as long as nobody was injured that is a blessing, mistakes happen and vehicles can be fixed, i am good, thanks for your honesty. There was no major   damage to our vehicle, we shook hands and parted ways.
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