Brilliant Dialog that spells it all out perfectly and done publicly in the movie, "The International"

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For I Am called, "Onlashuk"

May 13, 2012, 8:04:26 AM5/13/12

From the movie, “The International,” (2009)  Once again, another low ranking movie (6.5 stars out of 10) that hits the nail squarely on the head giving PUBLIC NOTICE.  This is a transcript of the dialog beginning at the 31-minute, 48-second time index mark.  As we have been aware for quite a while, they have been speaking to us through many a movie.  This one is no different, and they give the most complete full-disclosure statement about what is really going on, then I have ever seen given previously.  This dialog is a no-holds-barred, plain speaking, this is the way it is, with no sugar or honey to sweeten it.

Eleanor Whitman, played by Naomi Watts (

Mr. Calvini, we’d like to know why the IBBC, a bank, would be purchasing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of missile guidance and control systems from your company?


Umberto Calvini, played by Luca Barbareschi (

The IBBC has purchased billions of dollars worth of silkworm missiles from the Peoples Republic of China, which they have resold to clients in the middle east, contingent upon the missiles being equipped with Vulcan Guidance Systems.  My company is one of only two in the world which produces the Vulcan.


Clive Owen, played by Louis Salinger (

Who is the other?


Umberto Calvini:

Mohamad Sunni


Clive Owen:

…of Turkish Aerotech?


Umberto Calvini:

(Nods in affirmation)


Eleanor Whitman:

By why is the bank committing so much of its capital and resources to the sale of these missiles?


Umberto Calvini:

It’s a test…small arms are the only weapons that are used in 99% of the worlds conflicts, and no one has the capacity to manufacture them faster and cheaper than China.  What Scareson is attempting to do…is to make the IBBC the exclusive broker of Chinese small arms to the world…and the missile deal is the gateway to this action.


Clive Owen:

Yeah, but billions of dollars invested simply to a broker…there can’t be that much profit for them.


Umberto Calvini:

Na, this is not about making profit from weapons sales.  It’s about control.


Eleanor Whitman:

Control the flow of weapons…control the conflict.


Umberto Calvini:

No…no, no…the IBBC is a bank.  There objective isn’t to control the conflict, its to control the debt that the conflict produces.  You see, the real value of the conflict…the true value is in the debt that it creates.  You control the debt…you control everything.  You find this upsetting, yes?  This is the very essences of the banking industry.  To make us all, whether we be nations, or individuals…slaves to debt.


And being that this is actual dialog in a motion picture, it is therefore, PUBLIC NOTICE.






See yourself for what you are; NOT what others try to make of you, - Te Nosce,

I Am called Onlashuk 

Beloved Son and Heir of Liberty, in whom Father is well pleased, for I and My Father are One, and I call no Man Father, therefore when you have seen me, you have seen the Father

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