Dead infant / living person - active account until DC issued

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May 23, 2012, 6:27:07 PM5/23/12

BC Opens the account, DC closes the account. BC is a created state, inter vivos living trust, ; DC is closed account, non-living trust, Estate: no longer a state. The better testament is in the living where a person is not needed.

A friend was screwing around with commercial redemption stuff, UCC's and security agreements, claiming there was an estate that she wanted to move into a trust, well she killed the person and now the feds are demanding death certificate. I looked through some of her paperwork and pretty sure I see how she did it. It has to do what I said above.

So if you want to call the name a nation or a state, remember the name is not you, it is a dead infant/living person.

God is in the living, jesus christ is living within us, but the system is a mirror reflection, it see's jesus as dead,
we are just using a living person/ the walking dead, there was even a recent television series I seen preview
for that has the same name " walking dead ".
Mass means death, when catholics have mass i think it has dual meaning also of many persons, church
and state hundreds of years ago use to be all one in the public.

"Gold is the currency of kings; silver is the currency of gentlemen; barter is the currency of peasants, debt (fiat) is the currency of slaves; Titles are the currency of persons and forgiveness is the currency of man, if love is the substance, we would have no need for any other currency for love is abundant "


May 23, 2012, 11:23:42 PM5/23/12
INTERNAL REVENUE MANUAL                                                         (02-12-2010)                                                                            

2. " An infant is the decedent of an estate or grantor, owner or trustor of trust, guardianship, receivership or custodianship that has yet to receive their SSN.  "                                                                   

<-- So it appears the word infant itself would note a decedent.      

infant; " 2. In law, a person under the age of twenty one years, who is incapable of making valid contracts. "                               ,infant

 Then perhaps the BC is just an image of a DC and everyone going after the Estate is chasing an image, the admin in the wills and estates office I talked to called my son's estate a [[ legal ]] estate , did not call it a common law estate and that for me to become executor of it I would have to pay x amount of dollars and get it approved or sorts by a judge.

[22:28:39 EDT] Nightwing: maybe it is the one who makes a claim is the one who gets the bill?
[22:50:26 EDT] dadoo: naw, can't be, too complicated.

** The purpose of equity jurisprudence was to enforce rights and claims not adequately protected by common law, as summarized in the maxim of equity judges: “Equity will not suffer a right to be without a remedy.” **                                                                     

What you hold and use on this earth you did not have before you arrived and you cannot take
it with you when you leave. To have something to recycle you first would have put something
in to cycle back to you, evidence of that is not just in receipts but you can get a report from
the SSA office, if it shows that you received over 1.5 million in currency and the bank account
is currently at zero, that is your sign what needs to be done. You have to give it all up to get
it all back.

** The purpose of equity jurisprudence was to enforce rights and claims not adequately protected by common law, as summarized in the maxim of equity judges: “Equity will not suffer a right to be without a remedy.” **                                                                     


May 25, 2012, 2:20:53 PM5/25/12
Extrapolating more thought here going back to infant,
On the application of the SSN it asks for the name applying
if it is a US Person or foreigner, so would that make the
creation of the BC of creating a US Person ?
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