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Missing Main Delphi 5 Windows

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Ron Raisleger

Oct 9, 2001, 7:17:58 PM10/9/01
I'm using Delphi 5 Enterprise. When I start up Delphi, the main Delphi
window (the one containing the menus, toolbars, etc) is not displayed. Only
a .pas file edit screen and associated form are displayed.

I have unloaded and reloaded Delphi, but to no avail -- I'm still missing
the main window. When one shuts down Windows 2K, it prompts if I want to
save the project, so Delph32 must be running but it does not show.

What is doing on with this system. It ran fine at one time but now it is
doing this.

Igor Ivanov

Oct 10, 2001, 12:57:43 AM10/10/01
I recently learned from these newsgroups that you must edit manually the
..dsk file:

[Main Window]

It worked for me.

"Ron Raisleger" <> wrote in message


Oct 15, 2001, 12:49:21 PM10/15/01
Delete the delphi32.dsk file in the Delphi\bin directory.
Delphi will recreate it, but you're windows will be back. If that doesn't
work, delete the *.dsk file of the project that is being loaded initially.
Either way, do this while Delphi is shut down. Then restart Delphi &
everything will be back to normal.


"Ron Raisleger" <> wrote in message

Bruce Jump

Oct 26, 2001, 10:10:07 AM10/26/01
I recently had this problem. The way I resolved this was to open an
existing project from Windows explorer. This opens with Delphi and with
your project settings showing the IDE. I then closed the project, created a
new project and simply saved the new project as project1(accepted the
defaults) then closed the project and close Delphi.

When I re-opened Delphi my IDE was back.

Evidently, the settings were lost in the default project that delphi starts
when loading.

Hope this helps.

Bruce Jump

"Igor Ivanov" <> wrote in message

Bruce Jump

Oct 26, 2001, 10:40:23 AM10/26/01
I recently had this problem. I resolved it by opening an exsisting project
from Windows explorer. This brings up the delphi IDE with the project
loaded. I then closed the project and created a new project. I saved this
project as project1(accepting all the defaults). Then I closed the project,
closed Delphi. When I restarted Delphi, my IDE was back. Evidently, the
IDE setings got lost in the default project settings (project1).

Bruce Jump

"Ron Raisleger" <> wrote in message

Edwin Teisman

Oct 30, 2001, 2:50:46 PM10/30/01

I have had problems with this as well.
The solution(s) are somewhat simplerer than I expected.

I have deinstalled and reinstalled Delphi several times.
Eventually I got Delphi5 back, probably after deinstalling all Delphi versions.
However, that lasted for no longer than a month, then I was back to square one.
I have Delphi 5 working again now.

I think it may have something to do with Delphi 6.
I have never seen this behaviour in at least 1,5 years, but twice in the last two/three months.
Possibly I may have opened a Delphi6 project with Delphi 5.
(Or a Delphi5 project with Delphi6 and then with Delphi5 again)

Chris Gray

Oct 31, 2001, 4:56:40 AM10/31/01
I'm getting exactly the same problem. Nothing new on my installation -
haven't installed Delphi 6 yet. I'm using Windows 2000 Pro. It's just
started happening. I can get to the main window by doing alt-0 and
selecting the Delphi 5 window, but quite often is comes up with nothing on
it (i.e. no component palette/toolbars, etc.). Also, when I try to
configure the toolbars, I find if I uncheck one of the toolbars, the bar
disappears but the buttons stay. Sometimes the buttons are greyed out and
only come to life when I select the corresponding option from the menu.

My colleagues can open my project across the network and do not exhibit any
of these problems.

I can get my IDE main window by opening another project first then then
re-opening the problem project(s) and then doing the jiggery-pokery with
alt-0. I have reinstalled Delphi 5 to no avail.

I seemed to get rid of the problem last week, but it's back with a vengeance

This systems been tickety-boo for ages and now all of a sudden is doing daft
stuff. There must be some explanation.

"Bruce Jump" <> wrote in message news:3bd96ead_2@dnews...

Michael Polyudov

Nov 5, 2001, 3:53:13 AM11/5/01
In Your .dsk file see the section [Main Window] in this section
find values "Create" and "Vsisble"
they have to have value "1"
sometimes (don't know why) these values becomes to be equal with "0" and
main form is hides.

"Chris Gray" <> wrote in message

Aug 9, 2018, 2:57:42 PM8/9/18
Believe it or not, your answer solved my C++ Builder problem, 17 years later.

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