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How can I fixup ITransaction::Commit or ITransaction::Abort was called and the object is in zombie state.

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Apr 24, 2014, 12:03:34 AM4/24/14
On Error Resume Next

Dim ipost
Dim iprint

If cmdNew.Caption = "&Save" Then

cn.Execute "INSERT INTO tblCashMemo(SerialNo,EDate,PaperNo,DonorName,DonorAdress,DonorPNo,RecipientName,RecipientAdress, " & _
" RecipientPNo,PaperType,PRate,Paid,PMNo,VolumeNo,PageNo,Remarks,strTime,Posted,UName) " & _
" VALUES ('" & txtSerialNo & "','" & Format(EDate, "dd-mm-yyyy") & "','" & parseQuotes(txtPaperNo) & "','" & parseQuotes(txtDName) & "','" & parseQuotes(txtDAdress) & "','" & parseQuotes(txtDPNo) & "'," & _
" '" & parseQuotes(txtRName) & "','" & parseQuotes(txtRAdress) & "','" & parseQuotes(txtRPNo) & "','" & parseQuotes(cmbPType) & "'," & _
" " & Val(txtPRate.text) & "," & Val(txtPaid.text) & "','" & parseQuotes(txtPMNo) & "','" & parseQuotes(txtVNo) & "','" & parseQuotes(txtPageNo) & "','" & parseQuotes(txtRemarks) & "','" & txtTime.text & "','" & txtCPost.text & "','" & txtUID.text & "') "

rcupdate = True
MsgBox "Record Added", vbInformation, "Confirmation"

ElseIf (cmdEdit.Caption = "&Update") Then

cn.Execute "Update tblCashMemo SET EDate='" & Format(EDate, "dd-mm-yyyy") & "',PaperNo='" & parseQuotes(txtPaperNo) & "',DonorName='" & parseQuotes(txtDName) & "',DonorAdress='" & parseQuotes(txtDAdress) & "', " & _
"DonorPNo='" & parseQuotes(txtDPNo) & "',RecipientName='" & parseQuotes(txtRName.text) & ",RecipientAdress='" & parseQuotes(txtRAdress.text) & ",RecipientPNo='" & parseQuotes(txtRPNo.text) & "', " & _
"PaperType='" & parseQuotes(cmbPType) & "',PRate=" & Val(txtPRate.text) & ",Paid=" & Val(txtPaid.text) & ", " & _
"PMNo='" & parseQuotes(txtPMNo) & "',VolumeNo='" & parseQuotes(txtVNo.text) & "',PageNo='" & parseQuotes(txtPageNo) & "', " & _
"Remarks='" & parseQuotes(txtRemarks) & "',strTime='" & (txtTime.text) & "',Posted='" & parseQuotes(txtCPost.text) & "',UName='" & txtUID.text & "' WHERE SerialNo = '" & txtSerialNo & "'"

rcupdate = True
MsgBox "Record Updated", vbInformation, "Confirmation"

'----------------------------------------------Printing Start--------------------------
ElseIf cmdPrint.Caption = "&Print" Then

txtCPost.text = "Posted"

iprint = MsgBox("Do you want to Print this Reservation?", vbYesNo)

If iprint = vbYes Then

cn.Execute "Update tblCashMemo SET EDate='" & Format(EDate, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & "',PaperNo='" & parseQuotes(txtPaperNo) & "',DonorName='" & parseQuotes(txtDName) & "',DonorAdress='" & parseQuotes(txtDAdress) & "', " & _
"DonorPNo='" & parseQuotes(txtDPNo) & "',RecipientName='" & parseQuotes(txtRName.text) & ",RecipientAdress='" & parseQuotes(txtRAdress.text) & ",RecipientPNo='" & parseQuotes(txtRPNo.text) & "', " & _
"PaperType='" & parseQuotes(cmbPType) & "',PRate=" & Val(txtPRate.text) & ",Paid=" & Val(txtPaid.text) & ", " & _
"PMNo='" & parseQuotes(txtPMNo) & "',VolumeNo='" & parseQuotes(txtVNo.text) & "',PageNo='" & parseQuotes(txtPageNo) & "', " & _
" Remarks='" & parseQuotes(txtRemarks) & "',strTime='" & (txtTime.text) & "',Posted='" & parseQuotes(txtCPost.text) & "',UName='" & txtUID.text & "' WHERE SerialNo = '" & txtSerialNo & "'"

rcupdate = True

End If
'----------------------------------Printing End---------------------------

'----------------------------------Posted Start--------------------------
ElseIf cmdPost.Caption = "&Posted" Then

txtCPost.text = "Posted"

ipost = MsgBox("Do you want to Post this bill?", vbYesNo)

If ipost = vbYes Then

cn.Execute "Update tblCashMemo SET EDate='" & Format(EDate, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & "',PaperNo='" & parseQuotes(txtPaperNo) & "',DonorName='" & parseQuotes(txtDName) & "',DonorAdress='" & parseQuotes(txtDAdress) & "', " & _
"DonorPNo='" & parseQuotes(txtDPNo) & "',RecipientName='" & parseQuotes(txtRName.text) & ",RecipientAdress='" & parseQuotes(txtRAdress.text) & ",RecipientPNo='" & parseQuotes(txtRPNo.text) & "', " & _
"PaperType='" & parseQuotes(cmbPType) & "',PRate=" & Val(txtPRate.text) & ",Paid=" & Val(txtPaid.text) & ", " & _
"PMNo='" & parseQuotes(txtPMNo) & "',VolumeNo='" & parseQuotes(txtVNo.text) & "',PageNo='" & parseQuotes(txtPageNo) & "', " & _
" Remarks='" & parseQuotes(txtRemarks) & "',strTime='" & (txtTime.text) & "',Posted='" & parseQuotes(txtCPost.text) & "',UName='" & txtUID.text & "' WHERE SerialNo = '" & txtSerialNo & "'"

rcupdate = True
MsgBox "Record Posted Successfully", vbInformation, "Confirmation"

End If
End If

' cn.CommitTrans
' Exit Sub
Exit Function
0 new messages