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Why do all of my QC report comments become private?

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John Herbster

Jul 7, 2008, 6:23:49 PM7/7/08
I opened my Quality Central Windows Client version
Then searched for report #9111 and found it.
Report No: 9111 Status: Reported
Sort should take a method pointer
I noticed that I had written a short private comment.
I opened that comment for editing.
I noticed that the private check-box was *not* checked.
I made a minor edit and closed the edit.
Then I made a new comment to that same report.
And closed QualityCentral.exe.
I opened Quality Central Windows Client again.
Now I see that there are two reports that I have written;
however I cannot open either of them.
I used to be a Level 2 sysop. Now I do not see that
anywhere on the Quality Central Windows Client screens.
I can see the same #9111 report via the Web interface
I can log in to the web interface with my email and PW; but in
then upper left it says "You are logged in as" but no name
Under the report title, I see
"Sysop Actions: You are a Level 2 Sysop."
I can see my two comments only as a red bar marked PRIVATE.
I can apparently respond to them -- although I did not complete
the response.
What am I doing wrong? --JohnH


Jul 8, 2008, 5:41:11 AM7/8/08

yes I noticed suche private issues in the web client as well.
But: I rather ask: where is that updated web QC client promised long ago
but ever delayed? Why is it ever delayed? Isn't it written in Delphi
(one way or the other)? Any new shedule for it? (even for a beta)



John Herbster

Jul 8, 2008, 7:13:14 AM7/8/08
"Markus.Humm" <> wrote
> ...: I rather ask: where is that updated web QC client
> promised long ago ...

Maybe the programmer forgot to check his sources into
SVN before he left. <g>

John Herbster

Jul 8, 2008, 10:14:12 AM7/8/08
> What am I doing wrong?

Oh dear!

Now when I pull up
the IE 7.0.5730.13 shows "You are not logged in" and it shows *all* comments (mine and Ralf Stocker's) as "PRIVATE" and it shows me the content.
Using QualityCentral.exe (version the view of report #50577 looks correct.

And when I pull up
the two comments are marked as PRIVATE but not shown.
Using QualityCentral.exe (version the view of report #9111 shows two messages but will not show me the text of either.


Brion L. Webster

Jul 8, 2008, 5:39:08 PM7/8/08
Markus.Humm wrote:

>But: I rather ask: where is that updated web QC client promised long ago
>but ever delayed? Why is it ever delayed? Isn't it written in Delphi (one
>way or the other)? Any new shedule for it? (even for a beta)

I thought it was written in that 3rd Rail product.


There's no such thing as 'one, true way;'
- Mercedes Lackey

Lori M Olson [TeamB]

Jul 8, 2008, 6:51:31 PM7/8/08

That would be a problem with the web service, not the web client. The
service shouldn't be offering up private comments when you are not
logged in.



Lori Olson [TeamB]

John Herbster

Jul 8, 2008, 10:04:41 PM7/8/08
"Lori M Olson [TeamB]" <> wrote

> That would be a problem with the web service, not the web client.
> The service shouldn't be offering up private comments when you
> are not logged in.

Thank you, Lori, for your interest.

(1) There is a problem with the web client knowing whether I am logged in or not and what my name or ID is

Just above the "Public Report" box it can say "You are not logged in."
Then if I log in, it will display "You are logged in as" without a name.
If I click on the "You are logged in as" line
with shortcut javascript:__doPostBack('LoginNameLinkButton','')
then it will take me to
and show me the message "You are not logged in."
with shortcut javascript:__doPostBack('LoginNameLinkButton','')
If I click on the Back button, it will take me back to
with the message "You are logged in." showing.

(2) There is a problem with the web client displaying the "PRIVATE" label on all comments of apparently all reports.

(3) There is a problem in the database for QC report #9111 which
prevents me from seeing the comments with either the Web or Win
clients. That problem might have been created my editing of the
comments yesterday for that report with the Win client.

On related problem between Win client and database, I have filed
Report No: 64255 Status: Reported
Comment content disappears if private comment is made not private

I hope that this helps someone, JohnH

Robert Schieck (TeamB)

Jul 9, 2008, 12:17:51 AM7/9/08
John Herbster wrote:

> On related problem between Win client and database, I have filed
> Report No: 64255 Status: Reported
> Comment content disappears if private comment is made not private
> QCWIN:Defect_No=64255
> I hope that this helps someone, JohnH

I have verified this and it is now open, thanks for the report.

I checked both of your other reports in question and all comments on
them, both before the conversion to unicode and after, were all marked
as public.

You cannot see the original comments on report 9111 because the comment
field in the database is now an empty string. It was modified some time

I will have a peek at this but it is going to be a few days as the fall
out from switching the QC database to unicode is keeping me busy.
Promotion of reports to raid is back up, email notifications went
backup today and tomorrow is the qc <-> raid replicator (yuck!).

keep smiling

Rob Schieck (TeamB)

John Herbster

Jul 9, 2008, 8:44:52 AM7/9/08
"Robert Schieck (TeamB)" <> wrote
> "keep smiling"

I hope that you are getting paid for this.
It looks like too much aggravation for a volunteer job.
Best regards, JohnH

Jason Cipriani

Jul 11, 2008, 6:20:46 AM7/11/08
"John Herbster" <> wrote in message

> (2) There is a problem with the web client displaying the "PRIVATE" label
> on all comments of apparently all reports.

I came here to report this same issue. Looking at existing comments on
existing reports, they are now displayed as "private" even though they
aren't (... or weren't, as the case may be).


Robert Schieck (TeamB)

Jul 11, 2008, 9:52:06 AM7/11/08
Jason Cipriani wrote:

> I came here to report this same issue. Looking at existing comments
> on existing reports, they are now displayed as "private" even though
> they aren't (... or weren't, as the case may be).

What client are you using ?

What report ?


Rob Schieck (TeamB)

John Herbster

Jul 11, 2008, 10:22:39 AM7/11/08
>> I came here to report this same issue. Looking at existing
>> comments on existing reports, they are now displayed as
>> "private" even though they aren't (... or weren't, as the
>> case may be).

"Robert Schieck (TeamB)" <> wrote

> What client are you using ? What report ?


For me, with
IE 7.0.5730.13,
I believe that it may be *all* comments on *all* reports that are displayed with "PRIVATE" on a red background. I have tested and found this problem exists with reports
4002, 4003, 4004, 4005, 4006, and 64322.

HTH, JohnH

Robert Schieck (TeamB)

Jul 11, 2008, 11:19:42 AM7/11/08

I know you put a qc report in about disappearing comments with a
windows client, did you put one in about this ?

John Herbster

Jul 11, 2008, 11:28:11 AM7/11/08
"Robert Schieck (TeamB)" <> wrote
> I know you put a qc report in about disappearing comments
> with a windows client, did you put one in about this ?

No; but I will. Thanks for your work. --JohnH

Jason Cipriani

Jul 12, 2008, 11:06:24 AM7/12/08
"Robert Schieck (TeamB)" <> wrote in message

> Jason Cipriani wrote:
>> I came here to report this same issue. Looking at existing comments
>> on existing reports, they are now displayed as "private" even though
>> they aren't (... or weren't, as the case may be).
> What client are you using ?

The web client.

> What report ?

Every report.

John Herbster

Jul 12, 2008, 12:29:55 PM7/12/08
"Robert Schieck (TeamB)" <> wrote
> I know you put a qc report in about disappearing comments
> with a windows client, did you put one in about this ?

I just did. Here is the reference:
Report No: 64392 Status: Reported
Comments are shown as PRIVATE (all comments for all reports)


John Herbster

Jul 12, 2008, 3:42:47 PM7/12/08

I notice that

Report No: 45543 Status: Closed
all comments are right aligned in the web client

says that it was fixed on 5/9/2008.

Could that fix have caused problem of

Report No: 64392 Status: Reported
Comments are shown as PRIVATE (all comments for all reports)

Rgds, JohnH

Robert Schieck (TeamB)

Jul 12, 2008, 4:55:01 PM7/12/08
It might but I doubt it..

I suspect it has to do with the size of the Public variable on the
user_comments table changing size due to unicode conversion.

I have an idea on how to fix it but haven't had a chance to try it

keep smilinig


John Herbster wrote:

Rob Schieck (TeamB)

Yorai Aminov (TeamB)

Jul 12, 2008, 7:57:32 PM7/12/08
John Herbster wrote:

> Could that fix have caused problem of
> Report No: 64392 Status: Reported

No. That fix did not touch any logic or data, just HTML markup.

Yorai Aminov (TeamB)
(TeamB cannot answer questions received via email.)
Shorter Path -
Yorai's Page -

Robert Schieck (TeamB)

Jul 14, 2008, 1:31:53 PM7/14/08

This should be fixed now...

If it isn't let me know

thanks again

Rob Schieck (TeamB)

John Herbster

Jul 14, 2008, 2:02:42 PM7/14/08
"Robert Schieck (TeamB)" <> wrote
> This should be fixed now. If it isn't let me know.


With my IE 7.0, I just checked
and can see the public comment displayed properly, but I
could not see the private comment at all, I presumed that
this was because I was not logged in.

So I logged in and still could not see the private comment.
Looking around I see that right above the frame labeled
"Public Report", it says "You are not logged in." and in
the top bar just to the right of the search boxes, it says
"Welcome, John Herbster".

So I closed IE and opened it again and still I see that right
above the frame labeled "Public Report", it says "You are not
logged in."; yet in the top bar just to the right of the
search boxes, it says "Welcome, John Herbster".

Note that using the Win-client, I can see both the private
and the non-private comments.

I suspect that the Web-client problem might be that I have
a hidden log-in account that hides the other one.

Regards, JohnH

Yorai Aminov (TeamB)

Jul 14, 2008, 2:21:04 PM7/14/08

> Looking around I see that right above the frame labeled
> "Public Report", it says "You are not logged in." and in
> the top bar just to the right of the search boxes, it says
> "Welcome, John Herbster".

The QC web client requires a separate log in. The "welcome" text
indicates you're logged in using the membership page, and have a
valid Developer Network cookie. The "not logged in" text indicates
you're not logged in to QC.

Robert Schieck (TeamB)

Jul 14, 2008, 2:41:34 PM7/14/08
You make this easy....

I tweeked it...

Check it again and let me know.

John Herbster

Jul 14, 2008, 2:51:18 PM7/14/08
"Yorai Aminov (TeamB)" <> wrote

> The QC web client requires a separate log in. The "welcome" text
> indicates you're logged in using the membership page, and have a
> valid Developer Network cookie. The "not logged in" text indicates
> you're not logged in to QC.

That seems odd! What good is that?

But I just tried clicking on the "you are not logged in";
and then I logged in again -- and it worked! I can now
see both the public and private comments.

I can even log out of the "membership page" and still see both
public and private reports.

Then if I log out of the QC web client and back in then the phrase above
the "Public Report" frame says "You are logged in as" w/o my name;
but I can still both private and public reports.

So confusing -- this is like a government project!

Thanks for advice. -- JohnH

John Herbster

Jul 14, 2008, 2:52:40 PM7/14/08
> Check it again and let me know.

After lunch!

Yorai Aminov (TeamB)

Jul 14, 2008, 3:10:12 PM7/14/08
John Herbster wrote:

> That seems odd! What good is that?

The goal is to have a single sign-on for all sites, but the current
QC web client is too old, and the plan is to replace it.

Robert Schieck (TeamB)

Jul 14, 2008, 3:17:32 PM7/14/08
John Herbster wrote:

> > Check it again and let me know.
> After lunch!

I just checked it again and it seems fine...

I am pretty sure you will be able to see your own private reports...

John Herbster

Jul 14, 2008, 4:31:39 PM7/14/08

"Robert Schieck (TeamB)" <> wrote
> I am pretty sure you will be able to see your own private reports.

It looks OK on the first two that I tried.
Thanks, JohnH


Jul 15, 2008, 2:14:21 PM7/15/08
Yorai Aminov (TeamB) schrieb:

> John Herbster wrote:
>> That seems odd! What good is that?
> The goal is to have a single sign-on for all sites, but the current
> QC web client is too old, and the plan is to replace it.


this plan is already old itsself. Any news about progress on that?



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