"Astro-Economics : A Study of Astrology and the Business Cycle" by Lt.Cmdr. David Williams

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Ed Augusts

Oct 31, 2008, 12:13:46 PM10/31/08
to BOOK & MOVIE ADVENTURES with Ed Augusts


I have been studying panics and depressions and what actually causes
them. Authors who have gone before me, such as Lt.Cmdr. David
Williams, who wrote "Astro-Economics : A Study of Astrology and the
Business Cycle", (Llewellyn, St.Paul, 1959), have made thorough
studies of past 'booms & busts' in American and World economic cycles.
There is no doubt that cycles of business highs and lows are involved,
and it does seem these cycles can be predicted. In fact, they
coincide with certain astrological patterns among the Outer Planets.
The nice thing after reviewing this material, is the warm glow of
realizing that we are not at some unprecedented, once-in-a-thousand-
years kind of moment. Even a full financial "panic", complete with
"rushes on banks" and waves of "bank failures", is really not a "once
in a lifetime" situation at all, we've just been extremely lucky, in
an almost non-stop boom economy, coupled with America's huge post-war
success in channeling and developing much of the business activity of
the whole world, in the entire 1945--2000 period, as well as
benefiting from a unique event: the fall of the Soviet Union and its
anti-capitalistic, anti-democratic policies around 1990. This
uninterrupted period of progress since the end of the Second World War
has masked and disguised negative outer-planet aspects during these
years which would otherwise have been more noticeable...the 1987 stock
market "mini-crash" was one such incident. The other thing which
prevents crashes and panics from occurring with absolute regularity is
that oftentimes a negative aspect, such as, say, Uranus opposition
Saturn, will take place at the same time as a good financial aspect,
such as Jupiter trine Uranus is taking place, and at such times, there
are off-setting influences and effects cancel each other out!

Finally, we've been hit with "a crash" that can't be ignored because
it turns out we were all in the midst of a "bubble" of real estate
prices, and this bubble really IS a bit unusual, something which is
not seen too often. But even here, there are abundant examples. There
was a "South Seas" bubble a couple of hundred years ago, as well as a
"Tulip Bubble" in Holland, A "Florida Land" bubble in the 1920's.
And I recently discovered a huge box in a thrift store filled to the
brim with BEANIE BABIES. There was quite a "bubble" in Beanie Babies
about 10 or 12 years ago, a bubble which eventually crashed. What
used to be collected for $10 or $100 or $500 each is now being nearly
given away for $1 or $2 each.

So it was that it turned out our prosperity, and the desire of
everyone who owned and handled a piece of real estate wanting to make
a profit out of that property, mortgaging again at higher and higher
values, selling at an even higher price, to someone else who again
expected the same rate of return, constituted a soap bubble the size
of a planetoid, a buble which finally developed a slow leak a couple
of years ago. As the slow leak continued, people had to sell for
lower prices. More sellers and fewer buyers caused prices to go down
even faster and farther until we're at a point now where the little
bungalow I sold on the outskirts of Las Vegas in early January, 2006,
at the absolute HIGHEST price I could possibly have got for that
house, (something told me: Sell! sell! Sell!) could now be re-
bought for about 40% to 50% LESS than what I sold it for. We can
thank many, many years of greed and profits for this past few years of
lower prices and gloomy losses.

We've also suffered when bigshot bankers who created bundles of
mortgages and used them as financial instruments, came to believe
there was no possible downside to real estate prices, that what goes
up, keeps going up and up and up, a view which has now been shown to
be falacious. These financial instruments, made-up of bundled sub-
prime residential real estate mortgages, are on the books as assets,
but when real estate prices go down 20--30% or more, these instruments
lose much of their value, and the mortgagee loses the entire cash
downpayment he or she put into the property when they bought it,
making it more and more likely they would walk away from the mortgage,
thus dropping the value of the house even more. Obviously, the
investment banks that took-in and hoarded these financial instruments
made-up of hundreds or thousands of mortgages as if they were solid
gold, were hit SO hard, they have gone bankrupt in many cases.

What we're not being told by the media is that there were MANY
previous panics and depressions in the United States, and that all
these panics and depressions relate to malefic aspects (conjunctions,
squares and oppositions) among the outer planets, as seen from earth.
For example, there were genuine panics in 1857, 1873, 1893, and 1907,
and depressions throughout our history, going back to the 1700's and
including depressions we seldom if ever hear about, such as the War of
1812 Depression, the Secession Depression, the post-Civil War
depression, the Primary Post War Depression of 1921--22, other
depressions in 1884, 1990--1902, etc,. and they all coincide with
rough JUPITER--SATURN and/or URANUS and NEPTUNE aspects. Without any
doubt, ALL thes previous panics and depressions have come to an end,
and a flourishing, "boom" economy has always followed, once the
planetary reason for the gloomy economy faded away as the negative
combos of planets dissipated and soon began to form positive angles,
such as good conjunctions, sextiles and trines! Good aspects are
involved in every major BOOM PERIOD this country has been in, since
the Jamestown, Virginia and Massachusetts Bay Colonies were founded in
the early 1700's. .

RIGHT NOW we are in the very midst of a Saturn in Virgo opposition to
Uranus in Pisces which is getting closer and closer to being exact,
i.e., both Saturn and Uranus will be in the same degree and same
minute of longitude, by opposition, as seen from earth.. The aspect is
EXACT (i.e., most powerful) one day after election day (Nov. 5th,
2008). Surely some amazing and unexpected event must occur on those
couple of days, since Saturn is the planet of the conservatives and
the "status quo", and Uranus is the planet of radical as well as
progressive causes! The fact they are EXACT OPPOSITION on the days
surrounding Election Day seems to mean this is the most serious and
important "crisis point" of this whole 2008 economic breakdown and
panic. Once we are past this election, the economy should begin to
come back to normal again! WHY this exact negative aspect occurs
right on top of election day, however, is anybody's guess. My guess
is that once the election occurs, the worst of the 'panic' will be
over! Best, ------Ed


I am an exile from a distant land and have never felt that I fit in
very well in any kind of community. But when the planetary
progressions were the most favorable, i.e., 17--19 years of age, I
was quite successful: I was in theatre arts, at least in high
school; where I had the lead in the Sr. Play, and was also the Vice
President of the Senior Class. Chess club -- Debate team, etc. I
swam at Santa Clara H.S. in the same pool with Mark Spitz, winner of 7
gold medals in the Mexican City Olympics. But I was more academic
than sporty, On the basis of high test scores, I was invited into the
Tutorials in Letters & Sciences Program, an experimental college at
San Jose State. I had a 3.2 average and graduated 'with distinction'
in 1971. I won the James D. Phelan Award in Patterned Verse back in
1970, and was in the running for a Fellowship in Poetry at Stanford
I did work at Stanford for a few years in the mid-1990's, but not in a
teaching capacity. I met Lawrence Ferlinghetti and other "Beats" in
San Francisco where my first few books of poetry were sold. My first
Sci-Fi story was published in 1965, and I met Harlan Ellison, for
one, at the 1965 PacifiCon Sci-Fi convention. (I later met another
sci-fi author, Poul Anderson, at a meeting of the "Baker Street
Irregulars" in S.F.). My first books and booklets turned up that same
year, 1965, and every other year for 40 years. I retired to the Las
Vegas/ Henderson area in late 1999 but by 2006 discovered I'd retired
too early, so I returned to doing psychic readings & astro-charts as
I had from the late 1960's--on, that is, when I wasn't in the midst of
a real estate career or running book stores and metaphysical shops!

Here are some links you might find interesting, INCLUDING the LULU.COM
links by which I self-published lots of my material recently (14 books
this year!) : http://stores.lulu.com/edaugusts Meanwhile, here's my

www.edaugusts.com <--------This lands on my BOOK page (books I have
written), but you might want to scroll down on pg. 1, it has my BIO,
family history, photos, etc. But there are also pages with art, books,
record albums, a blog, etc.

And here's my own ASTRO_PSYCHIC Group, in its 4th year, which you can
join if you wish, (see links to do that at bottom of its front page,
ask questions, & read the database, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASTRO_PSYCHIC/
<-------astro stuff, Q's & A's, photos.

If you have any trouble accessing any of these sites, please let me
know!l. Thanks for coming in & letting me help and entertain you!
Best Wishes, ----------Ed

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