Dear all,
It is my great pleasure to announce that BoneJ has just received backing from the
Wellcome Trust, to fund a dedicated Research Software Engineer for 3 years.
The main thrust of the work is to bring BoneJ up to date with
ImageJ2, and so the project is dubbed 'BoneJ2'. It will also better integrate with the
Fiji plugin ecosystem, through lots of backend engineering. We'll also be overhauling the massively dated website with much better documentation, how-tos and navigation.
Lots of you have ideas for improvements on the user side: we will also be including some major new features, as well as improving the way the established features work together. Please share your feature requests here, or with the RSE when they are hired.
If any of you might like to come and work on BoneJ, or know someone who might, please get in touch informally at my
RVC address. The Skeletal Biology Group is based at
The Royal Veterinary College's Camden campus
in central London. Our nearby neighbours include
The Crick,
the British Library and
UCL. We'll be looking for an enthusiastic Java engineer, preferably with ImageJ experience and a Masters or PhD. More details will be available once the official job advertisement is out.
Thanks for citing BoneJ, for allowing usage data collection, and for completing the questionnaire - all really useful info for the grant application.
Most of all, thanks for doing your science with BoneJ!
Best regards,