Time to renew your BQC Subscription

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Abhinav Dasgupta

Apr 29, 2023, 1:28:12 AM4/29/23
to Bombay Quiz Club, BQC Subscribers
Friends and Fellow Quizzers

It gives me great joy to wrap up yet another year for the BQC. As the pandemic slowly receded, the BQC also bounced back into what would become its most prolific year. This was the season of 2 Mumbai Quiz Festivals (April 2022 and March 2023), 39 RQL Games in Season 1 (and the 6th in Season 2 coming up tomorrow), and of course 20+ sessions through the year - all of which have been conducted with aplomb, and then dispatched promptly to your mailboxes by the indefatigable Vivek Tejuja. And none of this would have been possible without you, our subscribers, who have not just contributed monetarily but also - thanks to RQL - set questions despite not being present physically in Mumbai. And so, from all of us at BQC, Thank You!

As we continue to march into 2023-24, we now request a slight increment to the subscription amount - from Rs 1000 to Rs 1500, largely keeping in mind inflation (seen acutely while hosting the MQF!) and the fact that the subscription amount has never been increased since we started 15 years ago. From our side of course, we promise to deliver quality content (and in quantity too!) going ahead. The subscription remains at Rs 500 for undergraduates and at no cost to school students up to Class 12.

For those of you who have already paid the usual Rs 1000 amount before receiving this mail, don't worry - we will grandfather you into the list this year at no extra cost (call it an early bird bonus, if you will!). If you want to know whether you are already a subscriber, you can look at the tab 'List of BQC Subscribers and Life Members' at https://linktr.ee/thebombayquizclub. The list gets updated quite regularly.

For the others, the payment link remains the same: https://www.instamojo.com/@bombayquizclub/. You can pay using most digital means of payment. There is no need to let me know once you've made the payment - just make sure you enter the mail ID you want to be added to our list on Instamojo. 

Thank you once again, and here's to another year of quizzing and camaraderie!

(On behalf of the BQC Polite Buddhos)
Abhinav Dasgupta


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