BQC Session by Pulkit Malhotra (1.30 pm, Sunday 3 September, Rajyog)

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Abhinav Dasgupta

Sep 3, 2023, 1:26:52 AM9/3/23
to Bombay Quiz Club
If August was a month for the classics, September will celebrate the contemporary. Up next at BQC is Pulkit Malhotra, who last year became the first person born in this century to host a quiz at BQC.
Given Pulkit's multifaceted interests, the quiz is sure to be good. But more importantly, his zeal in introducing a whole new generation to quizzing means that there is bound to be a scramble for seats this Sunday. So come early, order your drink and reserve your seat!
1.30 pm, Sunday 3 September at Rajyog (directions here: No prior registration required, and teams to be formed on the spot.

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-01 at 22.49.59.jpg
Poster courtesy Sania Narulkar

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