BQC Session by Anannya Deb - 1.30 pm, Sunday 14 April, Rajyog Bar and Family Restaurant

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Abhinav Dasgupta

Apr 9, 2024, 2:11:57 PM4/9/24
to Bombay Quiz Club
And with the new season underway, it is now time to welcome the one person without whom no season, no quiz festival in Mumbai is complete - BQC Hall of Famer Anannya Deb!
Dada, as he is fondly called, is here with a new experimental format that he calls the Rajyog Bowl (leading to Rajyog becoming the first restaurant in the world that lends its name to a Sporting format*). We will of course find out what it is all about, but one thing is for certain in any Dada quiz - horizons will be broadened aplenty, and those of you who choose to spend Nabobarsho with us will certainly emerge richer in mind and body.
1.30 pm, Sunday 14 April. Rajyog Family Restaurant and Bar (directions at

*of course you're welcome to prove us wrong!

(Poster by the quizmaster)


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