Sixth Latin American Social Summit Continues in Caracas

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T&T Venezuela Bolivarian Solidarity

Aug 1, 2007, 3:31:20 PM8/1/07
to Venezuela Solidarity@Google
Havana, Aug 1 (acn) The integration and strengthening of relations between Latin American countries is one of the main goals of the 6th Social Summit for Latin American and Caribbean Union, said the president of the Venezuelan Group of the regional parliament.

In an interview broadcast by Venezolana de Television on Wednesday, Walter Gavidia said that due to the wide variety of views and perspectives of the participants, discussions will result in a global outlook regarding the current situation.

Gavidia highlighted the importance of the presence of representatives of African countries at the summit. He said though the main objective of the meeting is to discuss regional problems, the encounter is a unique opportunity to broadening the scope of discussions to a larger scenario.

At the opening ceremony of the summit held Tuesday in the Teresa Carreño Theater, in Caracas, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro encouraged participants from the 26 countries attending the meeting to learn first hand from the experiences of the socialist Bolivarian revolution carried out by the Venezuelan people, he said, as quoted by the Bolivarian News Agency (ABN).

Maduro said the 6th Social Summit is part of the process of building a new model of regional integration, as he invited participants to carry out social summits "on the streets, with the people."

Referring to the Bolivarian Alternative of the Americas (ALBA), which is high on the summit's agenda, the minister said the organization provides the region with an instrument to build a better world.

ALBA has already found solutions to world historical problems such as education and health, added the Venezuelan foreign minister.
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