Venezuelan Counsel Calls Bush's War on Terrorism Two-Faced

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T&T Venezuela Bolivarian Solidarity

Aug 1, 2007, 7:18:02 PM8/1/07
to Venezuela Solidarity@Google
Havana, August 1 (acn) "The Bush administration's war on terrorism is
two-faced", said Jose Pertierra, the lawyer representing Venezuela in
its request for the extradition of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles from
the United States.

In a presentation titled "The Double Standard of Certain Democracies
Regarding Terrorism", the lawyer blasted Washington's complicity in the
Posada Carriles case. He gave the address on Wednesday at the Sixth
Latin American Social Summit in Caracas, Venezuela.

Among other grounds for the accusation, the lawyer cited the midair
bombing of a Cuban aircraft in 1976 that resulted in the death of 73
people losses mourned by the entire world. Hard evidence proves that
Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch planned that terrorist action,
reported the ABN news agency in Venezuela.
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