To accommodate both the fast readers and not as fast readers we are
going to keep both schedules. Those that want to stretch out the read
a bit can start on the 16th and follow the schedule posted in the
files section below (1/16 to 6/19). The faster readers can start on
the 1/25 and end on 5/10 using the schedule. If you
are unsure which you prefer, the schedules cross paths in early
February so you can check your pace at that time and pick whichever
schedule you like. The schedule that starts 1/25
will have the added benefit of being the 'official' schedule that is
guided, blogged and supported on Both schedules will
have group posts here and as long as everyone is sensitive to spoilers
in their posts by noting the approximate pages of their posts we
should be able to have plenty of spoiler-free discussion for everyone.
Happy Reading,
Matt and Scott