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Rick Terror

May 5, 2009, 2:01:13 PM5/5/09
to bolano-l,,
Hi to everyone. I'm new to the group.
I want you to know that I'm chilean and that my native language is
sapanish. I currently live in Chile too. I think that could be useful
in some moment to the list.
I consider that is not realy accurate to call Bolano (I'm supressing
the tilde too for universality's sake, ok?) a chilean writer, since
most of his career as a writer is due to living in other places, but
interestingly enough, his nationality has some to do with his style.
So, I'm here if you want to check any crazy theories about that.
I'm not a full fledged "expert" in our writer, I still have a lot to
re-read and think, but working on that, obviously.
I have some experience in lists and web groups in english, so
intercultural issues are ok to me.
I have a background in copy art, street art, collage and my tastes in
fiction are mainly "post modernist".

My blog is CRAFT, at:

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