Dear Colleagues, we are looking for experienced BOINC server administrators for our project DrugDiscovery@home.
The aim of our project is to integrate available open source software solutions for new medicine discovery, which primarily includes chemoinformatics (computer-assisited drug design) and bioinformatics in order to make drug development process faster and more efficient.
We have the next differences from other projects:
We are highly result oriented in terms of getting new drugs. The goal of project is not about studies of fundamental problems (like folding mechanisms), but it is directly oriented on suggesting new chemical structures and their combinations for the further synthesis and biological trials.
The project will not rely on one of the in silico drug design methods, like molecular dynamics or docking, but would rather use integrated workflow of a plethora of these methods (including ADME/Tox, PKPD optimization) in order to get preclinical trials candidates as close as possible to the clinical trials. The key parts of the workflow are shown in our presentation (slide 5, long presentation).
The volunteers will get not just BOINC credits, but all but credits will be converted to our own Ethereum-based token, which can be transferred from wallet to wallet and used as cryptocurrency. Usage of MIST will make it easier it comparison to traditional blockchain.
The new web site and presentations you can find here:
What help we will need from your side?
Administration and setup of applications on the server side (
Compilation of applications for different operating system environment, fixing bugs problems, management of boinc daemons work and management of the results of the applications