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Tal Regev

Feb 19, 2021, 5:36:09 AM2/19/21
to BOINC Android Testing
Boinc can run on android Android 4.1 Jelly Bean (API 16), that correct.
World Community Grid will work on device that support neon. (usually android 5+). 
There is a lot of project can run on android:
Einstein@home (Tested working on android 5 and above maybe less)
Rosetta@home (Tested working on android 4+ and above)
Universe@Home (Tested working on android 5 and above maybe less)
World Community Grid (Tested Working on android with neon optimization. android 5 and above).
WUProp@Home (Tested working on android 5 maybe less).

Please update the info of the group. 
Thank you! 
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