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bodhi nighantu

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Are you interested in studying medicinal plants.. 

here is a common platform for the same…                                 Also visit                                                                                                  

The BODHI NIGHANTU ... an integral part of the 

Base Organization for Dissipation of Healing Ingenuities & a sister site of, intended to deal with every aspect of medicinal plants grown across the globe…

It has been started with the sole intention to rope in the renowned scholars and students of various branches of floral study, under a common roof where we can exchange our views and improve ourselves…there by fortifying the pharmacopoeias of the existing traditional systems of medicine in India & Abroad.

We hope that it would also incorporate within it, the very essence of Dravya Guna(A subject in Ayurveda that deals with medicinal plants), Plants used in various other systems of Herbal medicine(Siddha, Unani, Homeopathy etc.), Ethno Medicine, Ethno botany, Field-Taxonomy,  Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutics, Bio-technology, Phytochemistry, Conservation, recent trends of research in the field of Medicinal plants etc., In short an e- Herbal Encyclopedia..

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Dr Hari Venkatesh K Rajaraman

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