src folder in bnd.bnd "is not in the Eclipse build path"

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Gordon Hutchison

Oct 15, 2020, 5:31:44 AM10/15/20
to bndtools-users

I am developing on OpenLiberty in Eclipse

I have a .classpath with:

<classpathentry kind="con" path="aQute.bnd.classpath.container"/>

and a bnd.bnd with

  src: src, resources

and I am surprised to see a warning marker:

"Bndtools: bnd's src folder 'resources' is not in the Eclipse build path"

is there a way to get all the 'src' folders from bnd.bnd onto the projects
Eclipse build path automatically that I am missing?


Fr Jeremy Krieg (Home)

Oct 15, 2020, 7:22:42 AM10/15/20
to bndtools-users
Dear Gordon,

I pray that you are well.

You're not missing anything - there is currently no way to automatically synchronise the Eclipse project sourcepath settings with the bnd.bnd settings. The fix is to manually configure the resources path as a package root in your Eclipse project. The suggestion was floated recently amongst the Bnd development team to automate this - it's quite doable, just needs someone with the time to look at it. But because it doesn't happen that often and it's an easy workaround it hasn't been highly prioritised. PRs welcome. ;)

Fr Jeremy

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Gordon Hutchison

Oct 15, 2020, 11:48:27 AM10/15/20
to bndtools-users
Thank you very much Jeremy, a very kind and thorough answer!
Understood and noted about PRs - fair enough!
Stay well!
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