Gradle Workspace Plugin - Run task before bnd-setup

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Marc Schlegel

May 12, 2021, 4:12:43 AM5/12/21
to bndtools-users

Hello everyone

I am using biz.aQute.bnd.workspace Gradle plugin and I need to execute another plugin before bnd is setup.

In detail: I want to create a extension for the Openliberty appserver and therefor I am using a LocalIndexedRepo which references the API/SPI provided by the runtime. When pointing at an existing Openliberty installation this works fine, but I want to use the Openliberty Gradle plugin to setup the runtime before the build.
I havent been able to tell the LocalIndexedRepo to put the index.xml to another location other than the openliberty installation-root (I tried using the locations attribute without success) and this causes the root folder of the server to be created by the LocalIndexedRepo before running the "installLiberty" task. The "installLiberty" task on the other hand skips when the servers root folder exits because it thinks it is already installed.

I tried to run the liberty installation after the configuration phase using this
// Gradle Kotlin-DSL, in case you wonder
tasks {

But for some reason (I assume the bnd-workspace plugin from settings.gradle is doing something) the LocalIndexedRepo is still initialized before.

Any ideas how I can hook into the setup before anything of bnd happens?
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