Mac os big sur et Bluegriffon

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Nov 29, 2020, 3:45:05 PM11/29/20
What happen ? Bluegriffon and Macos Big sur don't work together. Has somebody a solution to solve this problem ? Thanks.

Alain Boudet

Dec 2, 2020, 5:17:32 AM12/2/20
to bluegriffon
Thank you for this important  information. I am waiting for the answer before I update macOS. I use bluegriffon very often.


Jan 10, 2021, 11:58:34 PM1/10/21
to bluegriffon
... for me it's important too, cause i'm still using bluegriffon for basic and accompanying tasks in combination with other apps ... OK dear BG-Team ... please give us any infomations about  your ideas for the future ?!


Jan 11, 2021, 1:58:40 PM1/11/21
to bluegriffon
It appears that the last update was Oct 2019. I just checked Daniel Glazman and I see his company Disruptive Innovation lists his French contact information If someone in Europe can call him and let us know if he is OK and report back it will be appreciated.


Jan 11, 2021, 3:14:56 PM1/11/21
to bluegriffon

(a copy of my mail to GM)
Hallo, Bonjour, Daniel Glazman,

are you still there, some people like me are trying to reach you for example in Google+.
Special needs are concentrated on BlueGriffon ... is the bird still flying ?

Please give me an answer if you can,
i tried to reach you on your companie's phone.
The TelRob said that there isn't a correct number.

Best regards

Olaf Steinebach


Jan 11, 2021, 5:37:43 PM1/11/21
to bluegriffon
Aah ... by the way ... you can bypass the failures of BG 3.1 under Mac Big Sur by installing the whole thing under a Parallels Windows session; while i'm working with other apps under Windows 10 and Big Sur simultaneously it fits perfectly ... you can drag and drop from the Mac side and the Windows side vice versa ... you can start Windows-Apps like Mac-Apps (nearly) natively ... and at least, if you have a complex BlueGriffon installation ( add-ons etc. ) under MacOS you can shift the whole BG Profiles folder from the MacOS library to the Windows (10) %appfolder% ... from my point of view it works fine :) Give it a try ... OS :)

Alain Boudet

Feb 19, 2021, 4:23:34 PM2/19/21
to bluegriffon
Whisk 2.5 seems to be a solution for Mac.
I haven’t tried. Did somebody use it?
Price: 30 USD


Mar 4, 2021, 10:04:59 AM3/4/21
to bluegriffon
Hi to the last readers ... Alain etc.,
please have look at  "RocketCake – free responsive WYSIWYG website builder" it's an austrian company ... in the professional Version ( 40,– €) you can manipulate the source code ... i'll give it a try.

Greetings from Germany ;)

Apr 3, 2021, 4:40:43 PM4/3/21
to bluegriffon
BG 3.1 kind of works for me on Big Sur, except that dialog boxes are completely blank.  I wrote to Daniel four days ago and offered $1000 if he'd fix that, but I haven't heard back.

I find the other replacement sorely lacking:

WEBSITE PAINTER.  Gives a "corrupted HTML" error when trying to open a simple HTML file.  Another reviewer noted the same thing.  Trying to just create a blank page from scratch, the interface is comically bad.

ROCKETCAKE.  Seems to be an identical product to Website Painter, with a different name.

WHISK.  Not a WYSIWYG editor.  You have to code the HTML, then it shows you what it looks like as you code, but you can't edit the WYSIWYG pane directly, all changes have to be made in the code pane.

It's 2021 and there is no functional WYSIWYG HTML editor for Mac.  There's a market opportunity here....

Michael Bluejay

Apr 3, 2021, 4:50:19 PM4/3/21
to bluegriffon
Possibly if we all pool our resources and offer more $, we can get Daniel's attention.  Clearly $1000 wasn't enough.  Maybe a KickStarter or GoFundMe page?  Though at some point we could get a developer to create a new app from scratch.  I wonder how much that would cost?


Apr 3, 2021, 8:47:22 PM4/3/21
to bluegriffon
I have no association with the two gentlemen who  created this program, but I have used it off and on since version 3.  It is called Flux 7 and can be found at 

The price is right on the page.  Works fine on Big Sur.

Michael Bluejay

Apr 3, 2021, 9:05:20 PM4/3/21
to bluegriffon
I'd give Flux an F.  I couldn't find anywhere to type anything (either code or WYSIWYG, though from its description it doesn't seem like it lets you edit WYSIWYG anyway), and one of the dialogs was blank for me like Blue Griffon.

Greg Chapman

Apr 6, 2021, 9:12:51 AM4/6/21

It's fairly clear to me that Daniel has abandoned BlueGriffon. He used to jump on people who posted anything on this group about alternative programs or even general HTML/CSS coding, pointing out this was a BlueGriffon support group only.

I came across this program a few weeks ago. It rarely features on "Best Web Editor" listing web sites, but seems to be very much on the spirit of NVu/KompoZer/BlueGriffon and with a similar policy and pricing for the "pro" edition.

I confess I have haven't even run the setup program let alone used it in the real world but I did read the docs at:

on the face of it an excellent BlueGriffon substitute.

In general, however, it seems that the world has moved on. No one codes sites from scratch these days and even the pros use rely on bloatware such as WordPress to keep their clients happy. But those products just don't produce the compact standards compliant code that BlueGriffon and its predecessors made it so easy to do. :-(


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Greg Chapman
Still helping users of KompoZer but using BlueGriffon

Michael Bluejay

Apr 6, 2021, 11:52:52 AM4/6/21
to bluegriffon
As I posted above about RocketCake:  " Gives a "corrupted HTML" error when trying to open a simple HTML file.  Another reviewer noted the same thing.  Trying to just create a blank page from scratch, the interface is comically bad."

Greg Chapman

Apr 7, 2021, 9:38:35 AM4/7/21

Point accepted! Unfortunately, I didn't read that post of yours until I had sent mine. (I skipped over most of the thread because of the subject line. I'm an ex Linux Mint, but back to Windows user.)


Alain Boudet

Apr 8, 2021, 3:54:12 PM4/8/21
to bluegriffon

Here is the answer by RocketCake

"RocketCake is a responsive website generator. It is not possible to
automatically convert a static website to a responsive one. So if you would
try to import a static existing website, RocketCake would have to convert it
to a responsive one, so this isn't possible, sorry. You would  have to
create your website from scratch for this.

Best Regards,"

But I don't understand why a responsive generator could not upload a simple html texte, since it suffices to add a meta tag to transform it into responsive page.
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