Hello folks
and Daniel
While editing with BlueGriffon, I use very much, the
thumbnailer add-on to popup a lightbox showing an enlarged image on the
web page.
There is an input line for attributing a class to the linked image, but
the lightbox I use for the large image display is not defined as a
class !
Turn around to solve my problem
So I input a dummy class XXX and later in the code file
replace all the class="XXX" occurrences ( example <a class="XXXX" href="archive.jpg" title="Marmotte" >... </a>)
by the needed code data-rel="lightcase" ( example <a data-rel="lightcase" href="archive.jpg" title="Marmotte" >... </a>)
Is there a better way to modify the behavior of BlueGriffon myself for custom attribute avoiding the painful post editing?
Is there a better way to modify the behavior of BlueGriffon myself for custom attribute avoiding the painful post editing?
Lighbox Image display example : http://kirsch.free.fr/famille.html#juillet
For Daniel Glazmann
If it is no to much work to you for the next Bluegriffon version release,
it would be nice to add an additional second input line in the Thumnailer widow
providing the option to add any custom text attribute to the <a> link.
The attached screen-dump shows how the new Thumnailer window could look like.
Thanks a lot for the BlueGriffon Editor development.