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Robert Kirsch

Feb 6, 2018, 5:10:59 PM2/6/18
to bluegriffon

Hello BG folks

I always have that intriguing message :

    " 2 InvalidAccesError A parameter or an operation is not supported by the underlying object "

when switching from Source code to web display after having done a minimal modification in the code (even adding a simple space)

The error message does not pop up any-more until the next code modification.

It does not seem to have any other effect on the web page.


BlueGriffon error.jpg
BlueGriffon version.jpg


Feb 8, 2018, 7:16:26 AM2/8/18
to bluegriffon
I would like to add my support for this report. So far I have not found it appears to do anything, so I have been lax in raising a similar alert. However it appears after I have altered a page with JS in it, but does not occur when the page is loaded, only after I have edited it and I definitely have not altered any JS on the page, any suggestions?

Michael Bluejay

Oct 9, 2018, 10:02:55 AM10/9/18
to bluegriffon
The problem's worse for me:  BG usually quits unexpectedly when the error occurs.

For me at least, the problem occurs when I link to an external stylesheet.  I've submitted a bug about this problem.

Unfortunately, that means BG is now useless for me. :(

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