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Geocaching Event on Saturday!

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Jessica Falkenthal

May 19, 2011, 1:18:57 PM5/19/11
to Bloomington Geocachers
I just wanted to remind everyone that we've got an awesome geocaching event planned for this Saturday by DJ Hobby.

Crooked Creek Carousal Canoe Caching Competition
11am. Registration can start at 10am. It will last 2 hours.
Crooked Creek is about 10 miles east of Bloomington, before you get to Brown County.
DJ, Mouse! and MonstercatAmbush hid quite a few geocaches for us to find and they've made a competition out of it. But if you want to just hang around and chat about geocaching, that is fine too! Again, you don't have to compete!
There is one geocache that involves using a canoe, and MCA volunteered his canoes for us to share to grab that cache. However, if you want to bring your own, I recommend which are $20 for the public and $14 for an IU student for the day.

We're meeting at N 39° 07.387 W 086° 17.931

It's on Crooked Creek Road, which is off of 46. There's quite a few geocaches out there already, but this event should 

If you have questions about the event, please post them on the geocache event page!

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