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Geocaching Cookie Event this weekend! And other upcoming events!

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Jessica Falkenthal

Dec 8, 2011, 1:47:23 AM12/8/11
to Bloomington Geocachers

Santa Cache Needs Cookies! A Holiday Cookie Mob
Sunday, December 11, 2pm Downtown Courthouse Square
Due to the popular demand of last year's cookie exchange, we're back with our second annual holiday cookie exchange flashmob. Come armed with yummy cookies and leave with some more yummy cookies! Make sure to read the instructions on the cache page before coming! 
If you can, post what kind of cookie you're bringing in your RSVP, so we don't get too many batches of the same type of cookie. You can see what everyone else is bringing on the cache page!
There will also be an "afterparty" at one of the local coffee shops to chat about geocaching, either the Bakehouse or the Pourhouse Cafe. We have some new geocachers who would like to discuss recommendations for GPS devices and others that would like some tips/hints on a few caches.

Captain V's Pub Quiz
Saturday, January 14th, the upstairs room at the Irish Lion at 6pm.
The event will be a pub quiz with 5 rounds of questions and 10 questions per round. The categories are: Science, Geography, History, Geocaching and Literature & Arts. You can play alone or in a team of up to 3 people. The winner or winning team will receive a prize with lots of geocaching goodies.
The quiz itself will start around 7.30 pm which allows enough time for those interested to order some food beforehand. Please note that people UNDER 21 ARE WELCOME TOO! You don’t have to be 21 for entering the upstairs room.
Please log a "will attend" on the event page at least a few days in advance if you are planning to come so that we can let the personnel of the Irish Lion know and make their life easier. 
This is Captain V's first time hosting an event. Thanks Captain for planning a fun new event for us!

First Annual Reservoir Ramble Geocache Challenge
Starts at Paynetown Recreation Area on the northside of Lake Monroe!
This is an official event at Lake Monroe, sponsored by Indiana State Parks & Reservoirs. The Challenge starts at the Paynetown SRA Office (4850 S. SR 446, Bloomington). You may begin anytime between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. All cachers who complete the entire Challenge by 4 p.m. will be entered into a drawing to win a 2012 Annual Entrance Pass for Indiana State Parks & Reservoirs.

It’s “year one” of this geocaching event, so we’re going to begin with a Challenge that will take you on a tour of every public recreation area on Lake Monroe (plus a couple of less well-known spots). It’s a BIG reservoir, so be prepared to do a lot of driving - carpooling with your fellow cachers is encouraged! After you reach each location, the caches themselves will require only minimal walking.

In future years, the Challenge will take you deeper into individual recreation areas on the reservoir – so mark your calendar for the 1st Saturday of February every year!

Facebook Group
A few people asked me to setup a Facebook group, so that people could meet, share and discuss geocaching stuff on Facebook. Our Facebook Page that we've had going has been great for announcements, but not informal discussions. Use it to ask for hints on caches you can't find or see if anyone's interested in going geocaching sometime with you. It is intended to be more social than what we have here on our e-mail list. So here it is: Feel free to join if you're interested.

Hope to see you at an upcoming event! Let me know if you have any questions!

Jess (Mickey4Jes)
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