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Jul 2, 2010, 11:33:11 AM7/2/10
to bloomington, indiana php user group
I'm trying to get a feel for what everyone would like to see out of
this group. When we get around to having formal meetings, what would
you like to see or do? I'm thinking the first meeting would be a meet
and greet type thing. After that, do we want Presentations? Workshops?
Any other ideas? Lastly, in order to maximize potential attendance,
can you please let me know your best weekday/time? Thanks.


Jul 2, 2010, 12:07:31 PM7/2/10
I'm a pretty inexperienced PHP programmer, with no extensions experience, and no idea what professional coders do all day... just my homerolled blog-type software and basic utility scripts to show.  While I enjoy reading the discussions and studying, with no job-related motivation (my freelance coding is all over for a year now), I'd love to see some kind of workshops or even examples of work people do.

Ralph Frost

Jul 2, 2010, 4:52:38 PM7/2/10

I have done a few projects -- structured programming -- in PHP since  1999 and beginning with PHP 4.0.   ( ecommerce site  being the most substantial).

Due to  vision loss/low vision condition incurred during heart by-pass in 2008, I no longer drive and so would only be around Bloomington in the rare occasions of visiting sons who are at IU.   Attending meetings would be unlikely for me.

I'm interested in knowing more about what other people are doing, and I would  like to get involved in testing/debugging or documenting, if possible.

I am always looking for good tutorials or advice on moving into object oriented programming.

Ralph Frost
Brookston IN
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