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Dev Derby

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Jul 30, 2010, 4:48:19 PM7/30/10
to bloomington, indiana php user group
Note: this is roughly the same thing I have on a blog post. I just
wanted all our local devs to know about this event.

This morning I accepted a postion as team leader for the PHP team in
The Combine's Dev Derby.
What is Dev Derby?

The Combine ( is a tech event in Bloomington, IN
going on from Sept. 9th-12th. On Sept. 11 there will be a "Dev Derby".
This is a one-day programming event which challenges teams,
representing different programming languages, to build a web-based
application for use by non-profits. The code will be released as open
source, giving it life after the day has ended. There will be 5 teams
competing. My suspicions say that there will be a Rails team and a CF
team in addition to the PHP team.

I'm not sure how finalized some of the information I have on the
details are but here is what I do know:

* Each team will be limited to 7 people (including myself).
Depending on demand by Combine attendees, they may allow up to 3
additional "walk-ons".
* The nature of the challenge won't be revealed until Sept. 8.
* As team leader, I will be participating in the planning of this
event, helping shape the challenge scope, defining the technical
environment and determining the judging criteria.
* From the sound of things, we will have some sort of requirements
spec to work off of and plan the project from.
* A designated team member or myself will be in a panel discussion
sharing the team process and debating code with other team
* The Combine will have a recruiting campaign with a link to an
application to collect names of interested developers. (If you're
impatient and want to be part of the glorious PHP team, hit me up)
* We will be provided with a food an d beverages that day. NOMS!
* There will be prizes. Some just for participating.

We need a better pseudonym than "Team PHP" or at least some sort of
awesome slogan to bring fear and envy into the hearts of our
opponents. Join me in the fun and help show the awesomeness that is
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