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Welcome to the Bloomington php user group.

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May 26, 2010, 4:08:37 PM5/26/10
to bloomington, indiana php user group
Thank you for joining. I was inspired to create this group after my
incredible community experience at TekX. If you were unable to go to
TekX, I did a live blog series on the experience that you can find on
my website:

As for meetings for this user group, since the majority of us already
see each other every Thursday at the Alley Bar, I figure why break up
a good thing. As this group grows, I will figure out a more quasi-
formal date/time/setting.

Lastly, I'd like to thank Matt Hottell for promising to plug this
group with the IU/Informatics crowd and I would like to thank the guys
at Sproutbox for helping cultivate my passion for programming that
lead to my desire to form this group.

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