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Seeking Developers for Startup

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Aug 30, 2011, 8:38:37 PM8/30/11
to bloomington, indiana php user group
We have the ideas, the business background, and the investor. But we
are missing the most important component: a talented developer who can
translate our specifications and schematics into reality.

We seek a partner, not an employee, and are willing to give a
substantial equity position in the company in exchange.

This is a substantial and complex project; details must necessarily be
reserved, but generally, we are looking to create a new form of social
networking as well as developing new tools to organize and control
social networking information, in addition to building business
information and marketing features.

If you are looking for a challenge with a hefty potential reward,
please contact me ASAP. We will happily share our vision with
interested candidates.

Best regards,

Matthew Young
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