Neil Conway
unread,Feb 25, 2013, 3:56:31 PM2/25/13Sign in to reply to author
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Bud 0.9.6 can be found on RubyGems. This release contains a few new
features and a number of significant bug fixes, particularly related
to support for join semilattices and the "notin" operator. The release
notes are included below.
On behalf of the Bloom team:
Peter Alvaro
Peter Bailis
Neil Conway
Joe Hellerstein
Bill Marczak
Sriram Srinivasan
== 0.9.6 / 2013-02-25
* Support syntax sugar for initializing lattices (#294). For example, rather
than writing "foo <=", you can now just write "foo <=
2". Note that, due to a bug in the superator gem, you cannot use this syntax
with the <+ operator.
* Allow nested lattice values to be sent over channels (#295, patch from Josh
Rosen). Lattice values could previously be sent as a field value in a tuple
delivered over a channel, but they could not be embedded arbitrarily deeply
within tuples (e.g., lattices nested within an array could not previously be
sent as a field value).
* Support "Comparable" for Bud::Lattice values
* Add support for lattices to rebl
* Reject attempts to insert into stdio via <+ (#288)
* Restore functionality of reading from stdio (i.e., stdin) with MRI 1.9
* Improve MRI 1.8 compatibility
* Require ruby_parser >= 3.1.0
* Fix bug in bootstrap blocks for lattice values
* Fix bug in rescan/invalidation for rules that reference lattice values and use
the <+ or <~ operators (#290)
* Fix bug in rescan logic for notin operator (#291)
* Fix bug in notin operators involving self joins (#298)
* Fix error when output from a notin operator was fed into a lattice