[Blogging WiMAX] New CLEAR Connection Manager Software Released v1.04

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William Higgins

Aug 3, 2009, 12:22:44 PM8/3/09
to bloggin...@googlegroups.com
Over the weekend an update to the CLEAR connection manager software rolled out and there are a number of significant improvements I would like to detail for you here. If you are the impatient type, and you want download the software right now, follow the link below to download the software and knock yourself out.
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  • New version is 1.04 (or 1.04.0067)
  • Full color and logo update to match CLEAR corporate direction.
  • Support for both WiMAX and 3G (EVDO) - New Hybrid Card!
  • Optional WiFi management.
  • Quick links to My Account, Usage Meter, and Location.
  • Backward compatible with Motorola USB and ZTE USB.
  • Improved diagnostics.
  • Tray icon shows quick view of connection status.
  • Much better UI with smart TABS to show different connection methods.
  • Has location based information. Similar to iPhone, with Google Maps integration.
The new UI and Tabs
The biggest change to the new connection manager is the overall UI change, which includes a new tabbed interface. Different tabs will be displayed to the left based on the type of connections you have available. Here are some screen shots to show you what the different tabs may look like.

New WiFi Features
You now can manage your WiFi connections through the CLEAR connection manager. It is nice to have a single point of management for all of your wireless networks. If you want to use this feature you will need to turn it on in the settings menu. See the screen shots before for a bit more detail.

Updated Menu and Settings
With the new UI changes come some changes to the settings menu. Here are some highlights:
  • Enable/Disable various adapters.
  • Manually check for software updates.
  • Run application on PC startup
  • Always on Top
  • Dock to System Tray.
  • Display Connection Timer
  • Allow Simultaneous Connections.

What's Next?
I have yet to do a detailed test with the new software. I plan to do that in the next few days. Check back soon to see any updates on this topic. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions about the new software.

Posted By William Higgins to Blogging WiMAX at 8/03/2009 07:51:00 AM
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