[Blogging WiMAX] CLEAR Connection Manager 1.05 Released with Windows7 Support

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William Higgins

Oct 22, 2009, 10:54:57 AM10/22/09
to bloggin...@googlegroups.com

CLEAR just released a new version of it's connection manager which now supports Windows7. The previous connection manager did work with Windows7 but you had to spend a little extra effort to get it to work. The new connection manager, version 1.05, installs very easily and now provides all the drivers needed connect to the 4G or 3G network right away.

I did a quick test on my system that is running a retail copy of Windows7 Ultimate and I am happy to report that it worked just fine. I have provided a link to download the new software below.

If your a new to CLEAR and you want to sign-up, please give me a call at 404-492-9779 and I will take care of you.

Posted By William Higgins to Blogging WiMAX at 10/22/2009 10:41:00 AM
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