We added a new template, Ethereal. In order to support the wide border
elements of the birds, we've added a .content-fauxcolumns element and
predictable children to the base template. This has the property that
it starts with the same width as the content, but, if its children
exceed that width (as we did with the birds borders) they'll be
clipped by the window rather than cause horizontal scrolling. (UNLIKE
if the content's border elements were used.)
We've also updated the templates to try and do better in RTL languages
on IE. This involved throwing a lot of hasLayout at various elements,
but we've also changed the margin / positioning strategy for the left
sidebar. You may want to copy out the new CSS from a fresh template.
Also, apologies for the random messages that have gone through
recently. If the S/N gets too bad I may have to start moderating.
Unfortunately we haven't had much of substance to discuss lately to
drown it out.
A note of warning: posting random, off-topic messages will get you banned.
-- Pete