Wrong size of uploaded images to the sidebar

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Jul 17, 2010, 8:26:55 AM7/17/10
to Blogger Template Design Group
When I upload an image into a sidebar by using the picture gadget and
enable the option "shrink to fit" the uploaded image doesn't fit into
the sidebar. Tested with several designer templates.

e.g. I have two sidebars on the right, in the option "Adjust width" I
have set the value for "sidebar" to 360px. When I upload an image to
one of the sidebars it will be shrunk to 170px. Seems to be good as
the half of 360px is 180px .... but isn't. 360px is the value for the
two sidebars including the padding and margin values left and right
and between the two sidebars. Therefore 170px width is too much.

Can you fix it please?


Jul 27, 2010, 9:06:57 PM7/27/10
to Blogger Template Design Group
Hope the group admin had a nice holiday :-)

Regards from Merliny

Faisal Qamar

Jul 30, 2010, 7:52:20 AM7/30/10
to blogger-tem...@googlegroups.com
Thanks My Dear


Aug 7, 2010, 8:46:41 AM8/7/10
to Blogger Template Design Group
Is there anybody of Google who will answer to questions?

On 17 Jul., 10:26, Merliny <mayerg...@googlemail.com> wrote:

Elena M

Aug 31, 2010, 12:43:54 PM8/31/10
to Blogger Template Design Group
did you use the attribution to center the image? you could also use
this codes that will shrink the image at your desired dimensions:
<img src="http://url of your image.jpeg" width="#" height="#"/> works
as simple html no widgets needed if the result is an image align to
the left, you could use the <centre> tags (</center>) or align it with
div : <div align="center"><img src="http://url of your image.jpeg"
width="#" height="#"/></div>
I do recomand using a smaller image, because the shrinking process can
distort pixels (image quality), some platforms after using shrink
process from an gif (animated image) results an gif static image (same
image extension but not animated)

Faisal Qamar

Sep 8, 2010, 2:56:56 PM9/8/10
to blogger-tem...@googlegroups.com
Thanks my dear

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