[The Trials & Tribulations Of Sweeney!] Squash League

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The Sween!

Jun 14, 2010, 4:54:22 PM6/14/10
to blogdistri...@googlegroups.com
My word, another update (go me)!

Not much has been happening, been to the gym a few times & joined into the squash league there. After my "trial", the person who took it (who happens to be the racket sports manager there & also semi-pro at squash) was looking at the leagues as to where to put me. Admittedly I was looking at the "Bronze" section (the lowest league) as the place is mainly a squash club & the standard of play is fairly good. When he said "That league will be too easy for you", I was shocked because I don't think that I'm that good a player. I joined to get a regular game in & to try & improve my fitness but took it as a compliment because if he can tell that just after one game which lasted under 10 minutes, then all good! So i'm in the "Silver" league and have my first game on Wednesday - will let you all know how much I get a pasting by.

That's all for now folks!

Posted By The Sween! to The Trials & Tribulations Of Sweeney! on 6/14/2010 09:54:00 PM
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