[The Trials & Tribulations Of Sweeney!] The Weekend Happenings

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The Sween!

Jul 19, 2010, 5:52:49 AM7/19/10
to blogdistri...@googlegroups.com
Just had 3 days off so here is what happened.

Friday morning we took delivery of our brand spanking new 42" LCD HD telly. So that meant we had to buy an HDMI cable for the PS3 to fully appreciate what it can do! Also had to buy a few Blu-Ray films to notice the difference between normal DVD's & Blu-Ray which included Casino Royale (for the missus - the blue pants scene), Cars & Monsters Inc. for the little 'un, also the Fast & Furious & Oceans boxsets (because they were on special). So Friday saw mainly comparing picture quality until the evening when Suzan met up with her work friends for a BBQ & lots of drinks around one of her colleagues in Corringham which meant I was on babysitting duty. He wasn't too bad - played up a little bit but nothing major. After he fell asleep, it meant I could bash the PS3 for a bit!

Saturday morning, picked up the dirty stop-out (the missus that is) from her colleagues house where they kindly invited me in & had a lovely cooked breakfast which was lush! The rest of the day is a blur in my head until the evening when we headed to Rayleigh for a spot of late lunch/early dinner in Harvester then popped round the corner to the go-kart track to meet with quite a few of my work colleagues for some petrol fuelled fun!

Was 17 of us in total so it worked out that there was 6 heats of 5 laps each. Then the top 8 drivers after the heats would enter into a final Grand Prix race of 10 laps.

I started my first race in 4th place & finished 4th which isn't bad at all as the drivers in front of me have a distinct weight advantage against me. Every race you are in, you start 1 place ahead of what you were before so the 2nd race I started 3rd, 3rd race 2nd, and so on. I actually won my 3rd & 4th races which was excellent as it put me right up the points table into the top 3! Also one of my colleagues tried to put me into the tyres a couple of times but got my revenge in the next race by tapping her behind (with the car you filthy minded people) & sending her into a spin and she finished last!

After all the heats, the final top 8 drivers were summoned to the pits to get ready for the final race & guess what - I was 7th! So off I trot to the pits to get into my car. At the starting line ready - visor down, eagerly awaiting for the lights to change to green.......and we're off! Made up one position on turn 2 when they went wide into the corner and then one of the favourites span off going into the hairpin corner giving me a chance of getting ahead which I did as he'd lost the momentum. After the 10 laps, thought I'd finished 5th or 6th but after checking the board, I finished 4th!!! Suzan took a load of photos but think some little fingers got hold of the camera & deleted them all (little sod)! Here is an action shot that was taken after fingers had done his damage! I am the car on the right.

Suzan, Adam & I were due to meet with Jemma & John on Sunday & go down to Southend for the day but unfortunately John changed his mind so Jemma came up on her own. We decided that Southend would be rammed because of the gorgeous weather so we went to a place called Tropical Wings in South Woodham Ferrers instead. I didn't have high expectations of the place mainly because I didn't know what they had there but was pleasantly surprised at what they did have. As you walk in, there is a "tropical" environment with all different butterflies & moths fluttering around you & in the middle is a massive pond split in the middle by a bridge. One half has a few ducks, some baby koi carp & a few snails. The other bigger side has the most enormours carp I have ever seen! All different sizes, all different colours. After leaving the butterflies to their own devices, we had a look around & they have all different exhibits - different parrots, ravens, hawks, falcons, owls, wallabies, meerkats, huge rabbits, shetland ponies & lots more! The most impressive bit was the bird demonstration where they had a new barn owl on it's first outing in front of the public, a stork which decided to fly off (apparently he never does that) but did come back after a few minutes & a falcon which most people had to take evasive action from as he flew extremely close at speed towards you! You have to see it to properly appreciate it! The evening ended with a chinese then a trip to the cinema to see the 3rd Twilight film.

Today I'm back to work (boo) but playing squash later on in the league at 7pm - just hoping the weekend has given my arm a rest as it started to hurt while playing Thursday evening & don't think it helped playing Friday afternoon either! Anyway, wish me luck!

Posted By The Sween! to The Trials & Tribulations Of Sweeney! on 7/19/2010 10:52:00 AM
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