Linux USB Fingerprint Readers

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Albert Stroebel

Sep 1, 2010, 7:34:56 AM9/1/10
to BloemLUG
Hi Guys,

Is there a recommended USB fingerprint reader for Ubuntu that includes drivers, documentation, implementation etc.? Where can I purchase a USB biometric device compatible with ubuntu?


Albert Stroebel

Sep 2, 2010, 4:27:34 AM9/2/10

Hi Guys,

I tested this solution on ubuntu 10.04 with the Futronic FS-80 USB fingerprint reader and it works 100%!! Follow the instructions below.

Installing FS-80 Fingerprint Reader on Ubuntu

Features Operating System

The installation was performed on the system Ubuntu 7.10 with kernel version 2.6.22. As micro, used an ACER notebook with Intel Core 2 Duo T5750 2 GHz, 667 MHz FSB and 2 MB L2 cache), 2 GB DDR2 and 160 GB. I chose the Ubuntu system for quality and ease of use and versatility configuration and acquisition packages.

Features Fingerprint reader

The reader FS-80 has the following characteristics:

Biotouch / Futronic FS80

type: optical

Resolution: 508 DPI

image size: 480x320 pixels

Colors: 256 shades of gray

connection: USB 1.1

Supported OS: Windows Vista/XP/2000 and Linux

More information can be found at:

Downloading the installer application

At the address below, you can download "" which will be our starting point for installing the device on Linux.

Unzip the file "" and enter the unzipped directory. Inside this directory we have the following files:

An example executable ftrScanAPI_Ex

An example executable gtk_ex Library Linux

readme.txt Help File

Running the example

First add the execute permission to file

chmod u + x ftrScanAPI_Ex

When trying to run the file with ". / FtrScanAPI_Ex", the system displays the following message:

. / FtrScanAPI_Ex: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc + +. So.5: can not open shared object file: No such file or directory

We will carry out the installation of this package. As root, run (if necessary, insert the Ubuntu installation CD):

apt-get install libstdc + +6-4.1-dev libstdc + +6

After installation, the system will have a library than the one used by the application. Let's create a link to this library with the name of the executable ftrScanAPI_Ex reference.

cd / usr / lib /

ln-sf / usr / lib / libstdc + +. so.6 libstdc + +. so.5

We are now going to implement:

. / FtrScanAPI_Ex

The following message appears:

Failed to open device!

This message occurs because we are trying to access the application as a user. It needs root access. If we call ". / FtrScanAPI_Ex" as root, a basic application testing begins. The following is an example of use of two test applications.

Testing the basic application

The first application is simple. It just saves an image "frame_Ex.bmp" in the directory in which it was executed. To run this example, as root, run:

cd / opt / digital / Linux_ftrScanAPI_Ex

. / FtrScanAPI_Ex

After running the application, requests that the finger is placed on the device. After collecting the digital image is saved in current directory. Something similar will be created in the image below:


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