Where to follow the scratchblocks unforking?

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Philip Ly

Dec 9, 2024, 2:12:42 PMDec 9
to Blockly
I should have noticed this earlier but noticed that the scratchblocks updates stopped in August https://github.com/scratchfoundation/scratch-blocks/

Was wondering if there's a place to follow what's happening with scratch-blocks or if there was any messaging on what's next? I remember the unforking process being talked about at the summit! So wondering if there was any follow up. thanks!

Aaron Dodson

Dec 10, 2024, 12:26:25 PMDec 10
to Blockly

In short, it's basically code complete at this point; I can't speak to the timeline or plans around rolling it out though, since that's of course up to Scratch.

- Aaron

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