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Creative Coding for Adobe Express Released! - a new Blockly App

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Michael Scherotter

Dec 19, 2024, 11:14:33 AM12/19/24
to Blockly

🎨I am excited to announce that Creative Coding for Adobe Express has just been released. Creative Coding is a Blockly based add-on for Adobe Express that lets creatives of all ages code with graphics. 🎨

Please give it a try and share it with anyone who might be interested, from a student, to an educator to a best friend. 🧑‍🎨🐕🤖

I built Creative Coding and released it for free to enable the next generation of creative technologists with the super-power of coding with graphics.

Aaron Dodson

Dec 24, 2024, 3:08:47 PM12/24/24
to Blockly
This is really cool, thank you for sharing it with us! It's exciting to see that you were able to achieve such a deep level of integration with Blockly in another tool - was there anything that stood out about that process?

- Aaron

Michael Scherotter

Dec 24, 2024, 6:04:30 PM12/24/24
to Blockly
Thanks!  Great question.
  1. I was able to start creating something with results very quickly.  The documentation was very helpful.
  2. I used the Lit framework for building the experience - and I found out that Blockly did not work encapsulated in a web component (primarily because it uses hard-coded IDs). It was easy working around it but I would have liked to encapsulate it.
  3. I had to do some crafty coding to use async/await constructs which aren't really native to the JavaScript code generation
  4. Coming up with the right design pattern to design the blocks consistently took quite a bit of trial and error and reworking.
  5. Here is a blog post and video I created about the add-on.
Any other questions, comments, feedback?

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