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Blockly compatibility with Angular

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MAt Was

Dec 23, 2024, 11:10:54 AM12/23/24
to Blockly
Hi all,
After upgrading Angular from 15 -> 18,
i facing problem with blockly 6.20210701. 
It doesen't initalizaing when trying to use blockly function it returns that is undefined.
Is it possible to use this blockly version with angular 18? I have to stick to this version because it latest using xml schema.

Thanks in advance.

Aaron Dodson

Dec 24, 2024, 3:14:27 PM12/24/24
to Blockly

Could you elaborate on what's requiring you to stay on Blockly 6? While we did introduce the new JSON serialization system some time back, in general the old XML system is still present and supported in the latest version for saving/loading blocks, defining the toolbox, etc. 

- Aaron

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