Thanks for the questions, Mark.
- Is this app created via `npx @blockly/create-package app hello-world`
2. How are you running your app? I.e. what commands are you using?
npm run start (or simply npm start)
3. Does your browser's console log say anything pertinent?
index.js:485 [webpack-dev-server] Server started: Hot Module Replacement enabled, Live Reloading enabled, Progress disabled, Overlay enabled.
log.js:39 [HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...
VM111:8 Uncaught TypeError: item.charAt is not a function
at eval (eval at runCode (index.js:1:1), <anonymous>:8:6)
at runCode (index.js:34:1)
at eval (index.js:39:1)
at ./src/index.js (bundle.js:432:1)
at __webpack_require__ (bundle.js:564:32)
at bundle.js:1635:37
at bundle.js:1637:12Understand this errorAI
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)Understand this errorAI
blockly_compressed.js:64 was deprecated in v11.2 and will be deleted in v13.
warn$$module$build$src$core$utils$deprecation @ blockly_compressed.js:64Understand this warningAI
4. Is it possible that you are still running other versions of your app that are listening on the same port?
No. I forgot to mention I also rebooted my computer as well as used Task Manager to be sure nothing was running.
5. Have you tried clearing your browser's cache and local storage for the app?
I have cleared these things, though not my cookies.