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Blockly v9.3.0 release available

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Rachel Fenichel

Mar 29, 2023, 6:41:13 PM3/29/23
to Blockly

Blockly V9.3.0 Release

Q1 2023

Key Highlights 

Greetings, Block Builders!

We released v9.3.0 of Blockly today, which included several important features and bug fixes:

  • New procedure blocks that enable sharing procedures between workspaces. The new blocks are being published as a plugin, so the old procedure blocks will continue to work as expected. Learn more and check out the plugin.

  • The JSON serializer now serializes movable, editable, and deletable properties of blocks. If you were previously relying on the serialize-disabled-interactions plugin to do so, see the README for next steps

  • Performance improvements during rendering and collapsing blocks

  • Fixes problem with dropdowns on mobile devices (if you're on v9.2, this is an important fix!)

  • View the full release notes on GitHub

What’s Ahead

Upcoming Changes: We wanted to give you a heads up about some upcoming changes we'll be making in Blockly v10 so that you can start preparing:

  • We're moving some fields out of core and into plugins. These include the color, angle, and multiline text field. Serialized data from the old fields will continue to be compatible with the new fields, though we may make API changes to improve the fields during the move. This will allow us to shrink the size of Blockly for projects who don't use these fields, improving performance and load times

  • We're removing the block drag surface. This will significantly improve performance when dragging in Chromium-based browsers. You won't need to do anything in response to this change unless you have a custom block drag surface. If so, you'll need to make sure your application works when the drag surface is not used at all

Blockly Summit in June

  • The annual Blockly Summit will happen on June 6 & 7, 2023 at the Google office in Cambridge, Massachusetts and online. More information about registration will be shared in the next few weeks.

  • Today (3/29) is the last day to submit a speaker nomination. Speakers can present virtually or in-person, and you can nominate yourself or anyone else!


Plugin Spotlight

New Team Member: We are excited to welcome Cassandra Fernandes to the Blockly team as a product manager! Cassandra is based in San Diego, California and thinks the golden eagle is going to be the overall champion of Mammal March Madness

Help Wanted

Are you interested in contributing to Blockly? Here are a few issues we could use some help on! To get started, comment on the issue on Github to tell us  you’re working on it, and let us know if you need any help. If you’re new, check out our contributing to Blockly docs.

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