Survey Reminder: Tell us about your experience with Blockly

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Blockly Team

Oct 30, 2024, 7:31:52 PM10/30/24

The Blockly team wants your feedback


Hello Blockly Community,

Google is partnering with Mozaic Group, an independent market research firm, to learn from your experience with the Blockly Library. 

As part of this research, we invite you to take a survey. It will remain open through Friday, November 8th.

The survey should take about 14 minutes

In thanks for your participation, Mozaic Group will make a charitable donation to the nonprofit you select at the end of the survey: RED, Clean Water Fund, Girls Who Code, or World of Children.

Thank you in advance, for completing the survey. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to hearing from you!

Google values your privacy. Your responses will remain confidential and be reported only in aggregate. 

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