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Blockly v10.4.0 released!

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Rachel Fenichel

Feb 15, 2024, 7:24:58 PM2/15/24

Key Highlights & Announcements

We released Blockly v10.4.0 today!

  • Bug fixes and small features.  Check the release notes for more details!

  • Custom connection previewers allow you to change how pending connections are visualized to users. Check out the documentation for this new feature.

Blockly Summit ‘24: Save the Date! June 4 & 5 at Google in Mountain View!  Join us live in Mountain View for the annual Blockly Summit on June 4th and 5th. You’ll hear the latest updates on Blockly from the team, how partners are using Blockly to prepare for the future of CS education, and connect with other developers and educators. Stay tuned for event and registration details next week!

Share your story! Joe from the Blockly team is looking for more stories to feature on our web site. Has Blockly helped you make a positive impact on your community or the world? Share your story here!

What’s Ahead

We plan to release Blockly v11 in the first half of 2024. Some improvements you can look forward to and changes to be aware of:

  • Accurate typings for Generator instances.

  • We’ll publish Blockly as an esmodule and provide an `exports` section in package.json detailing the entry points that can be used.

  • Improved rendering performance.

  • Drop Node 16 support.

  • The colour picker, angle picker, and multiline text fields will be removed from the core library. You can still use these fields and associated blocks by installing them as plugins.

You can preview some of these new features now by using the beta build of v11. Find our latest beta release by installing `blockly@beta` from npm, and subscribe to blockly-announce for updates on what features are in the beta.

Spotlight migrated Sprite Lab to modern Blockly:  Students using Sprite Lab will have access to keyboard navigation and other new features in Blockly, and bugs reported in can now be fixed in the core library for all users of Blockly. A shoutout to Maribeth with the Blockly team who partnered with through this migration!

New team member: Welcome Joe Davis to the Blockly team! Joe is joining us as a Program Manager, focused on product ops, marketing, and release management. Joe has been with Google for 10 years, and he previously worked on Play & Android developer education programs. He lives in Austin, Texas.

New contributors: Thank you for helping us improve the Blockly library!

Help Wanted

If you’d like to contribute to Blockly for the first time, check out our good first issues!

Have any feedback on this newsletter format or content? Let us know here

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