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Blockly Q3 2023 Newsletter - v10.2.0 is available!

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Sep 29, 2023, 4:31:22 PM9/29/23
to Blockly Announce
Key Highlights & Announcements

Blockly v10.2.0 is here! This is a minor release. It primarily contains bug fixes and cleanup of copy/paste APIs. As always, please file bugs if you run into issues with this release.

What’s Ahead

In the coming quarter we're turning our attention to how developers define and share blocks and generators. This includes work on the Blockly Developer Tools (also known as the block factory) as well as best practices for publishing libraries of blocks.


Blockly participated in the Grace Hopper Conference Open Source Day for the second time. Attendees contributed more than 30 pull requests to the blockly and blockly-samples repositories. For many it was their first time contributing to an open source project!

Help Wanted

Are you interested in contributing to Blockly? Here are a few issues we could use some help on! To get started, comment on the issue on GitHub to tell us you’re working on it, and let us know if you need any help. If you’re new, check out our contributing to Blockly docs.

  • blockly#6280: Fix a bug related to block positioning in flyouts 

  • blockly-samples#5580: Move internal dynamic categories to use JSON definitions

  • blockly#2144: Debug and enable macOS continuous integration on GitHub Actions

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