Help Test Our TypeScript Beta Release!

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Beka Westberg

Aug 12, 2022, 6:49:04 PM8/12/22
to Blockly
Hello block builders!

We've been working hard on migrating Blockly core to TypeScript, and we are excited to announce that there is a new beta-release including all of our work so far. It includes all of our new .d.ts files, generated from actual TypeScript!

If you'd like to try it out you can pull version 9.0.0-beta.0 from npm.

There will still likely be errors as we work to clean up issues from the migration. But we are hoping that this provides a better developer experience, with better static analysis and better code completion =)

If you find any bugs please feel free to report them on github.

Thank you for your time! We are excited to hear any feedback :D


Beka Westberg (she/her/hers)

Software Engineering

1 (503) 980 5315

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