Discovering novel algorithms with AlphaTensor

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Jeff Hammond

Oct 6, 2022, 12:01:30 AM10/6/22

Jed Brown

Oct 6, 2022, 1:52:07 PM10/6/22
to Jeff Hammond,
The supplement is far more interesting than the paper. It includes this (citing Grey Ballard et al [10]) on stability and the attached figure comparing with Strassen. I recall Jianyu's Strassen-BLIS paper showing greater than 10% speedups for square matrices with Strassen on CPUs. This shows Strassen being only 7-9% faster than baseline and the optimized results being a few percent faster than Strassen on TPUs. Maybe that's architecture or maybe it's implementation. It looks like they aren't exploring non-square matrices, while the Strassen-BLIS paper does.

Numerical stability. [10] identified two principal quantities that govern the numerical error bounds of matrix
multiplication algorithms: a prefactor Q, and a stability factor E. Lower values correspond to tighter bounds.
For the Strassen2 algorithm Q = 24 and E = 144, while for the discovered factorizations Q ∈ [23, 39] and
E ∈ [136, 1046]. In particular, AlphaTensor discovered an algorithm with Q = 23 and E = 136 without using a
reward function that would optimize for numerical stability. Finally, the growth factor [11] of the factorizations
is in the range from 220.14 to 547.26.

Screenshot from 2022-10-06 11-40-19.png
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