'Mists of Audazzle' KickStarter Campaign for an Accessible and Inclusive game

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Team Audazzle

May 21, 2015, 11:56:45 AM5/21/15
to blindb...@googlegroups.com

Hello Everyone,

We’ve released our KickStarter campaign to develop ‘Mists of Audazzle’ a game that allows blind gamers, visually impaired gamers and sighted gamers to not only play together but also co-create games together. This dream of ours can become a reality and this is why we are asking for your help, we need anyone that can help to pledge and spread the word out to friends and family members. Whichever you can do is greatly appreciated.

This started off as a personal mission and has become a dream, help us turn it into reality.

You can find our KickStarter campaign here:


Thank you,

The Audazzle Team
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