MEFA Announcement - And the winners are...

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Bonnie L. Sherrell

Dec 18, 2010, 10:52:31 AM12/18/10
to Science Fiction list, Councils at Rivendell, books and such, Books for the Blind, Blind Horse group, Blind Chit Chat
The results for the 2010 MEFAs are now posted! You can find them at

Congratulations to all the many talented authors on this list. And to the
many talented authors who *aren't* on this list - the MEFAs are usually an
embarrassment of riches, nominations-wise, and this year was no exception.

Also, thank you to everyone who works so hard to pull off this program. This
includes formal volunteers (liaisons, promoters, and so on) but also the
people who participate by nominating, reviewing, and letting their stories
compete. This awards program wouldn't happen without all of you.

We are looking forward to the 2011 awards, which will start again probably
in late spring/early summer. In the mean time, you can start thinking about
what you will want to nominate for next year. (The cycle never ends,
really!) If you have suggestions for how we can improve things next year,
please email mefasupportATgmailDOTcom to discuss them.

(MEFA Admin.)

Bonnie L. Sherrell
Teacher at Large

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." LOTR

"Don't go where I can't follow."

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